Mystery employees, shared secrets: Amul's story is now utterly, bitterly political

This story began with a question about why Amul products were inexplicably hard to find in the western suburbs of the city, specifically Bandra and Khar. It ended up becoming about a political battle, with control of the Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF), better known as Amul, as the big prize for the winner. At its centre is a tale involving political loyalties, mystery employees, shared trade secrets, cheese, a chocolate factory, and 1200 tonnes of milk powder.Our story begins with the sudden resignation of K Rathnam, the managing director of the Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union (KDCMPU), one of the 18 unions that make up Amul, last month. Though Rathnam claimed his resignation was due to personal reasons, there are allegations that he was forced out over irregularities worth anywhere from Rs 450 crore to Rs 1200 crore during his three-year tenure.3 63958653 The campaign to oust him was spearheaded by BJP-backed directors of the KDCMPU, particularly Tejas Patel. However, Ramsinh Parmar, chairman of the KDCMPU (popularly known as Amul Dairy), who also happens to be the chairman of Amul, has vehemently denied any wrongdoings on Rathnam’s part.Incidentally, until August last year Parmar was with the Congress. He joined the BJP during the Rajya Sabha (RS) polls in Gujarat in August 2017. He was elected chairman of GCMMF in February this year and his name was proposed by BJP’s Shankar Chaudhary, who was expected to assume the post until the last moment. Parmar, a former Congress MLA who lost the 2017 Gujarat polls on a BJP ticket, is said to have been rewarded for switching over to the BJP in the prestige battle over RS spots last year.Corruption allegationsMoving to the allegations surrounding Rathnam, Tejas Patel has alleged that Rathnam bought cheese worth Rs 285 crore from an Erode-based private dairy even though the Sabar and Banas dairies in Gujarat had the capacity to produce and supply the cheese. Tejas alleged that as a result, the dairy ended up paying Rs 79 more per kg. “Not only this, but the MD shared the secret formula to make Amul cheese with the private dairy. Intellectual property, which is a fiercely-guarded secret, was shared with a private entity. I am sure Rathnam or his relative has a vested interest in the private dairy,” Tejas says.He further claims that on the one hand, cheese was sourced from outside, while on the other, locally-sourced milk was converted into milk powder. “Today, 1,200 metric tons of milk power is lying unsold with the dairy. The money, instead of going to milk producers, has gone to a private dairy,” he says.Further, he claims that Rathnam escalated the cost of a chocolate factory from Rs 50 crore to Rs 185 crore, without the knowledge of the other board members. In addition, around 330 people were recruited in the past couple of years without advertising in newspapers. “There’s no record of their interviews,”Tejas says. “So how were they recruited? I have written to the state government and the Anti-Corruption Bureau to probe the matter. The total scam runs into Rs 1,200 crore.”Tejas says that he and the other directors found out about these irregularities from “some dedicated officials of the dairy”.Is it just politics?However, a top official of the dairy, on condition of anonymity, told Mirror that these allegations and counter-allegations are just a façade. “The allegations have been flying since the days Ramsinh was with the Congress. Though he lost the Assembly election last year on a BJP ticket, his political DNA continues to be that of Congress. Hence, the BJP is prodding its directors in the dairy to raise corruption issues. Ramsinh does not have any utility anymore. Technically, BJP has cornered all the 18 dairies of the union but it is not too confident of Ramsinh. He’s the last indirect Congress remnant at the helm of any dairy in Gujarat.”This has left Ramsinh in a tricky position as even the Congress-backed officebearers want him gone, and were targeting him through Rathnam as well.Vice-chairman of the Amul Dairy Rajendrasinh Parmar, also a Congress MLA from Borsad, a city near Anand, where the Amul co-op is based, says: “I wrote a letter to 1,079 village dudh mandlis about the corrupt practices going on. Besides other major scams, Rathnam also appointed the CEO of the dairy directly, bypassing the board and offering him a hefty package of Rs 87 lakh. His actions call for a detailed inquiry. Now that he’ gone, the dairy will get a new direction.”After Rathnam’s resignation on March 31, Ramsinh had told Mirror: “Some people are making baseless allegations. If I start exposing them, they will have nowhere to hide. Amul is a huge organisation whose financial reports are audited by both the government and CAs. Rathnam quit on personal grounds to spend time with his family. On the allegation that Ratnam bought expensive cheese from outside Gujarat, I would like to say that the practice was prevalent even during the tenure of his predecessor Rahul Kumar.”A BJP-leaning director of Amul dairy told Mirror that Rathnam and Ramsinh shared a good rapport when the latter was in Congress, but pressure from the BJP forced Ramsinh to show Rathnam the door. However, “for old time’s sake, Ramsinh has denied that Rathnam did anything wrong,” the director says.On at least one count though, it would appear that Rathnam is innocent.RS Sodhi, the managing director of Amul, told Mirror that storing milk powder is a regular practice at this time of year. “I can talk only about the so-called unsold milk powder because we market it. During the winter and monsoon months, the production of milk is much more than the demand. Hence, we convert it into milk powder for use during summer, when milk production plummets. This way we are able to maintain the supply of milk and milk products in the market. The rest of the issues concern the Amul Dairy and it is their internal matter.”A history of allegationsThis is not the first time Amul, or any of the affiliated dairies, have been rocked by resignations or corruption allegations. Earlier, the Milkman of India, Verghese Kurien, was forced to resign from the post of the Chairman of Amul in 2006, after being at the helm for 34 years. It was Kurien who pioneered the dairy co-operative model, in which the dairy farmers controlled the procurement, processing and marketing of milk and milk products. It was around the same time Kurien left that the BJP started to tighten its grip over the dairy and banking co-operative sectors of Gujarat, which had been dominated by the Congress until then. 63958642 In 2010, then-MD of Amul, B M Vyas, resigned with just five months to go before his tenure ended, after entering into a tussle with its chairman Parthi Bhatol over clearing the accounts in the board meeting.In 2012, allegations were levelled against Mehsana dairy chairman Vipul Chaudhary that cattle feed worth Rs 200 crore was sent outside Gujarat to make illegal gains for certain vested interests.Dairies are lucrative for politiciansA top official in the co-operative, who did not wish to be identified, says: “The Gujarat co-operative sector was political right from day one. Tribhuvandas Patel, who founded the Kaira co-operative, was an important Congress leader. Even the Iron Man of India, Sardar Patel, and Morarji Desai, the late Prime Minister, were closely associated with the co-operative dairy movement in Gujarat. The only difference today is the scale of operations. What started out as a small movement has today acquired a mammoth scale and so much is at stake now. Control over the 18 co-operative unions means direct control over the financial fate and well-being of roughly 36 lakh dairy farmers in over 17,000 villages in the state.”Today, Amul is India’s largest food product marketing organisation, with a turnover of Rs 41,000 crore in 2017-18. The official also pointed out that the dairy sector has no independent regulator, so there is little outside supervision or investigations. However, he added that there are benefits to having politicians running the show. “Vijay Mallya or Nirav Modi may escape abroad after committing scams. However, politicians will never do that. After all, they have to come to seek votes every five years.”At the same time, he conceded that as a result, the co-operative will never be just about the milk business. “The dairy sector provides regional satraps the opportunity to consolidate their power. For political parties, it is the means of improving vote share,” he says. 63958632

from The Economic Times

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