Why SC is the supreme champion of people

Government of the government, by the courts, for the people -- Indian democracy is fit for a redefinition along these lines, at least for the time being. The Supreme Court has struck down laws, reined in the government, modified social mores and religious norms to liberate individual freedom and dignity immanent in the Constitution but smothered by custom, tradition and Victorian morality coded into colonial-era laws.The Supreme Court delivered two significant rulings in August 2017. On August 22, it found illegal the provision in Muslim personal law for instant divorce of his wife by a Muslim man by saying the word talaq thrice. On August 24, the court unanimously declared that the right to privacy was a fundamental right arising from other fundamental rights. This makes it imperative for the government to enact a robust law on protection of privacy and personal data and to institute provisions to make state agencies that access personal data of citizens require a judicial order and to be accountable to a committee of Parliament afterwards.On September 6, 2018, the Supreme Court struck down Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalised "unnatural sex" and, in the process, paved the way for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community to reclaim a life of dignity.On September 26, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutional validity of Aadhaar for the purpose of disbursing government benefits, but barred private entities from conducting Aadhaar-based biometric authentication. It also ratified the classification of the Aadhaar bill as a money bill by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, scuppering a Rajya Sabha vote on it. A dissent by Justice DY Chandrachud cogently argues that this was untenable. This ruling undermines the bicameral Parliament and renders the Rajya Sabha virtually redundant, through the simple expedient of tagging an expenditure/revenue dimension to any bill and calling it a money bill. The silver lining is that the court held the Speaker's classification to be justiciable.On September 27, the court struck down another provision of the Indian Penal Code, which not only held adultery to be a criminal offence but also construed adultery to be an offence against a man's marital home: if a married man had an affair with an unmarried woman, he committed no adultery.Again, if a man had sex with another man's wife with his consent, he committed no adultery. The Supreme Court denounced this view of the woman as her husband's chattel.On the same day, the court also ruled that a 1994 verdict that okayed the government takeover of land at and around the demolished mosque at Ayodhya did not need to be revisited, for the purpose of clarifying its observation that mosques were not essential for Islam. This paves the way for the Supreme Court to resume hearing the challenge to an Allahabad High Court ruling that apportioned the Ayodhya land to three parties, but leaves undisturbed a questionable observation on mosques.On September 28, the Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a Kerala rule that forbade women in the age group 10-50 from entering the Sabarimala shrine. The lone woman judge of the Supreme Court dissented. Along the way, in separate judgments, the court recognised the third gender, ruled that sex with an under-age wife would constitute rape and ordered state compensation to a scientist who was wrongfully prosecuted for treason.Determining the right to privacy as a fundamental right, decriminalising gay sex 03 SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 06, 2018 cover story and adultery and ordering compensation for state-inflicted injustice raised individual liberty and dignity, stressing the autonomy of the citizen vis-a-vis the state and other individuals. The same message was underlined when the court refused to ban a book that offended some religious sensibilities.Invalidating triple talaq, decriminalising gay sex, striking down the patriarchal construction of adultery in the Indian Penal Code and allowing the entry of women into a place of worship that had banned them, advanced the cause of gender equality in this land where female foetuses, women who resist rape and brides who do not bring a sufficiently bounteous dowry are at terminal risk.Yet, court rulings or conduct have not been uniformly liberal or liberating. In the triple talaq, Ayodhya and Sabarimala verdicts, the court persisted with a troubling habit of determining the essentiality of a practice or custom to a religion to determine its legal validity.Courts are experts in the law, not theology. All they should do is to determine if a custom is compatible with constitutional rights or not, and strike down those that are not, essential to a religion or not.The court also needs to create a doctrine for restraint when it comes to matters of faith, giving scope for social reform from within, without always forcing a clash between the fundamental rights to equality and freedom of religion.Swaminarayan priests who do not see women, the valorisation of celibacy common in many religions, etc offer challenges to gender equality. The court might not be the best place to resolve every such challenge.

from Economic Times

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