When the Amul man refused to be cowed down by cow politics

MUMBAI: Dilip Sanghani, the Gujarat BJP leader and ex-minister, presumably knew exactly what he was doing when he alleged that Verghese Kurien, founder-chairman of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and architect of India’s White Revolution, had funnelled money from Amul to fund conversions by Christian missionaries.There was the careful timing of his remarks during celebrations to mark the late Kurien’s 92nd birth anniversary. There was his calculated suggestion that Tribhuvandas Patel, the founder of the milk cooperative movement, and HM Dalaya, its technical director, were really responsible for Amul’s success, but had been sidelined by Kurien. And Sanghani tried to add credibility by invoking his stint as state minister when, he said, his information had been confirmed, but he had been instructed to stay quiet.Sanghani’s remarks were greeted with outrage. Kurien’s family and associates ridiculed the idea that a self-avowed atheist would fund missionary groups.RS Sodhi, current head of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which owns the Amul brand, neatly alluded to Kurien’s devotion to his dairy farmers when he said, “He was of all farmers and his religion was that of the religion of each farmer of India.”And the roles of Patel and Dalaya have never been underestimated all three men are acknowledged to have performed complementary roles to help create Amul.But none of this fact checking may matter much since the aim of such remarks is usually to attract as much attention as possible and sow seeds of mistrust. And this may have succeeded, as a response from Gujarat’s state BJP president Jitu Vaghani shows.When contacted by the Times of India, he replied, in the equivocating style that seems usual in such situations, that he was unaware of Sanghani’s statement, “but he is a very senior leader and speaks only after proper research. He would be having evidence to support his claims”.Cattle Abandoned in Huge NumbersSanghani’s statement could be dismissed as just typical of current political opportunism, where people’s personal details, like the religion and community they were born into, can be used to label and defame them — regardless of the actual details of their lives. But another reason why some might want to tarnish Kurien’s reputation is because of the key role he played in thwarting the cow protection movement that had grown in strength through the 1960s.The cow protection movement had operated fitfully through the first half of the 20th century. Mahatma Gandhi had engaged with it, supporting its campaigns against cow slaughter as part of his ahimsa philosophy, while opposing its tendency to demonise Dalits and Muslims for slaughtering and handling cattle carcasses. But it really started growing after Independence when Hindu nationalist groups realised that it offered a way for them to overcome the stigma of association with Gandhi’s assassination.The Jan Sangh, forerunner to the BJP, started campaigning strongly for cow protection.The cow protection activists went to even further levels, culminating in a massive march on Parliament in Delhi in 1966 led by trishul and spear-wielding Hindu holy men. This got out of control and led to the first attack on Parliament, an overreach for the movement, but one which still demanded a government response. This took the form of a committee on cow protection to which Kurien was appointed, as head of NDDB.COMMITTEE ON COW PROTECTIONIn his memoirs, I Too Had a Dream, Kurien writes about the very mixed group that comprised the committee, ranging from agricultural professionals like him to Hindu representatives like the Shankaracharya of Puri and MS Golwalkar, head of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). He formed an unexpected friendship with Golwalkar.Golwalkar wanted Kurien to support him on banning cow slaughter “and I promise you, five years from that date, I will have united the country”. But Kurien could not. He knew that the realities of dairy economics meant that cows that could no longer give milk (and most male cattle) had to be slaughtered, both to reduce the cost of caring for them and for their sale price to give farmers the funds to buy more cows.This was the point that Kurien clashed with the Shankaracharya over, since the latter could never offer a practical solution to the problem (and evidently neither could Golwalkar). Traditional dairying in India has always rested on a foundational hypocrisy where communities such as Dalits and Muslims are needed to dispose of old cattle — but then socially stigmatised for doing so.Kurien focussed on the economics rather than the caste issues, but his firm opposition ensured that the cow protection committee could never resolve on banning slaughter. After meeting ineffectually for 12 years, it was abruptly wound up. But now its spirit has been revived with the huge support of BJP state governments — and no Kurien to oppose it.And yet cow slaughter remains a potent issue, as is shown by how it has featured in the Madhya Pradesh elections. Even the Congress now seems to be drifting to a soft support of it — so what stops it being implemented in full? One answer might be that Kurien has gone, but the basic truths of dairying that he championed have not. Slaughter can either happen in an organised way or in a completely unorganised and chaotic way, and the latter seems to be where we are now.Politicians might promise money for gaushalas, but there is simply not enough land or fodder to support unproductive cattle on the scale that India’s dairy industry demands. Reports from rural areas tell of cattle being abandoned in huge numbers, with many straying onto highways where they become a hazard to traffic.IMPORTED BREEDSAnother sign of the unintended consequences of current policies might come from the 20th National Livestock Census that is currently being compiled. Last done in 2012, this was meant to happen in 2017, but was unaccountably delayed for a year. The 2012 census had shown a largely stagnant population of native Indian cows, while imported cow breeds had risen sharply. This led to alarm being raised about vanishing Indian cows and hence the need for protection.Yet these figures could also confirm Kurien’s arguments about dairy economics. Indian breeds are suited to our tropical climate, but give far less milk than imported breeds. Given the constraints on selling cattle, farmers must make ends meet by trying to get as much milk out of the cows as they can — and that means switching to imported breeds.Indian farmers are also abandoning cows altogether for buffaloes. The 2012 census showed a small increase in buffaloes, and it will be interesting to see if this has accelerated in the current census. This again would come as no surprise to Kurien whose dairy revolution at Amul was built on buffaloes. In its early years, Amul proudly sported buffaloes on its packaging, but now conforms to the irrational preference for cows by only featuring them.The problem for the BJP is that cow preservation is a great political campaign tool, but as dairying policy it is a disaster. Kurien’s clearheaded thinking about dairy economics was the antidote to these confusions — and perhaps the real fear of politicians is that it is these views that could really win converts.

from Economic Times

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