Will be strong enough to keep predators away: Axis Bank CEO

To the outside world, Amitabh Chaudhry may have been a surprise choice as the Axis Bank CEO since his last 67739775 67570471 67509826 assignment was with an insurer. In an interview with ET's MC Govardhana Rangan and Joel Rebello, the former Bank of America executive lays down his priorities in building a conservative bank, with profitability as the central motif. Excerpts:You have been here for a couple of months now. Your estimate of the good, the bad, and the ugly…I did not find anything ugly. I went through a macro review of large accounts which are BB and below and the impression I got is that represents our stress book. About 98% of our slippages have come from the stress book for the last couple of quarters. Our risk management and credit monitoring systems are working and whatever we are showing is what it is.Where does that lead you to?We want to move toward conservative provisioning policies. In retail, our provisioning norms are more conservative than what the RBI advises. Why are we not having similar conservative norms on the wholesale side so that the market gets the comfort that we are providing conservatively? It could mean that our recovery rates get better but it will provide comfort to shareholders that our policies are broadly conservative. May be, we could not afford that earlier but now we can and we should. I am not trying to throw the kitchen sink but trying to come out with a templated provisioning norm that is permanent and broadly formula driven. And once we do it, whatever happens, we have to recognise it.What is your diagnosis?The bank has been under pressure for a long period. When we started thinking about the strategy to get the growth mindset back again, everyone responded very well. There have been some pressures over the last couple of years because of the high provisioning and some operational issues. So, I think the bank was also waiting for someone to come and say that, yes, we have gone through a crisis, we are not completely out of it, but yes we can get our glory back. Because I had not taken over and there was an overlap period, I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people one to one in Axis and also time to reflect back on what can be done. Whatever strategy document we have outlined to the senior leadership of the bank has taken 90 days of hard work. We are quite clear on what we want to do. The confidence level is high.Growth, profitability and sustainability are your mantras now. But historically, achieving all three has been impossible and Axis’ own history shows that. How would you do that?First, we intend to achieve the growth and profitability without sacrificing any of the risk norms that we have decided in the recent past. We are not trying to achieve any growth or profitability by going down the credit risk path. We are very clear we have to continue to drive our risk management practices, get better at it and our credit standards have to remain where they are or get more conservative. It cannot get worse.Insurance was always the missing piece with Axis. Having run an insurance business, are you considering an insurance buyout?We have a great relationship with Max Life on the life insurance side and Tata AIG on the general side and we also have relations with Apollo Munich, and LIC, of course. Over the last couple of years, a number of insurance companies have approached us to take a large stake in their businesses and become a manufacturer. There is a value in being a manufacturer. If you want to be a long-term partner, commit ourselves into a company where we have a large equity stake, then we need to get some share for that as well. A number of options are on the table and we've been talking about that internally. In the undefined near-future, we'll look at it and close the deal in the next six to nine months and see the result of it.Is it the company (Max Life) you were looking to buy in your previous avatar at HDFC Life, but slipped away?Now that the transition is done, we want to assess all the options we have and take a call soon. No point sitting and doing nothing because anyway you are leaving money on the table. Maybe, next six to twelve months (are) tentative, but the deal has to be right because it will be an important deal and we want to do it the right way. We have a couple of options. What you're referring to is on the table. Let's see how it goes. That process, apart from talking to potential suitors, has to be approved by the board and signed off by various people including in some cases the regulator. It is always better to sign someone you know. If you look at our experience with all the three partners, it has been very good.Here in Axis, there’s also the threat of a predator waiting to pounce. How do you deal with that?The best way to react to a predator is to focus on your business and do such a good job that the predator goes away because you become too expensive. That’s the message I am giving internally. If we don’t too well enough, someone will come after us at some stage. We are a great franchise at the end of the day which will be valuable to anyone. So it is important that we do well and consistently so that the price of acquiring is so large that we can turn the tables and say rather than you acquiring us let’s talk the other way. Otherwise, yes we are quite large and potentially many people can think of acquiring us. But that is not something we should worry about. Let’s focus on the task before us. If we can keep executing well, that’s something we don’t have to worry about.You spoke about being conservative and at the same time profitable. How do you achieve that?The appointment of Deepak (Maheshwari) should testify that very clearly. He is a person with 40 years of experience. When he left HDFC Bank, he was the head of wholesale credit. In Federal Bank, he was head of the committee of directors which approved all the loans. He is a credit veteran and by making him report to me I am sending a very clear message in the bank that we are not going to dilute standards. Sustainability is also about our operational risks. We need to invest in technology in some areas where we are behind. The point is that it has to be better.Growth and profitability….On the growth and profitability side, our market share in the overall context is not very large like an SBI. Our credit growth is decent. Public sector banks are also restrained in terms of capital. Also only large NBFCs can lend now. All these things are happening so we can grow at a faster pace than the past very easily. We are not talking about some astronomical growth. If we grow at a faster pace and then keep driving our portfolio mix based on risk adjusted return on capital and continue to focus on costs, we can deliver both together.In the past five to six years, the chunky growth came from term loans that hardly moved recently. Where will the growth come from?While we are pivoting toward working capital loans, our share is still 35% and industry average is near 60%. So, we still have some way to get close to the average. Our retail book has grown 25% consistently for the last five years. The reason why retail has not done better is because 50% of our book has come from home loans and we have de-emphasised home loans for the last couple of years because the risks adjusted returns were not very good there and pricing was driven down to compensate for a bad credit cycle. We have created an ecosystem to capture that customer for some other product. So we believe that we can get the growth back in the home loan side, which will help us deliver retail growth.You hired Deepak and now there is talk about other hires also. All these hires have an HDFC Bank background. Are you creating an HDFC Bank here?Absolutely not. Our culture is different and we bring different strengths to the table. We have gone and looked at the talent around. Some of the names that people are speculating have left HDFC Bank quite some time back. Yes HDFC Bank is their foundation but don’t forget that HDFC Bank is the leader in the retail side. From a cultural perspective, we do want to move to a process way of selling. Only if you have a defined sales process, you can get to be the best in class. HDFC Bank has done a very good job to ensure that sales process is institutionalised in the retail bank and across its businesses. We are not saying that we are replacing talent. We had to appoint the head of wholesale and coverage because they were not there. We moved Rajiv because he had done retail for a long time and he wanted to explore something else and he had been a markets guy; so, it made sense. We have to appoint the head of retail and we can look at internally and externally and have decided on something.

from Economic Times

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