The 4 biggest money mistakes women make

She saves regularly and has a definite financial plan in place. However, that was not always the case with 49-year-old Sandhya Natarajan. Until her divorce a few years ago, Natarajan depended on her husband to make all the investments. “I did not want to intrude in money matters. I also lacked the know how to do it myself,” says the Chennai-based marketing professional.Like her, Jaipur-based designer Pooja Dagur has a flourishing career, but she does not take part in the family’s financial decision making. “I am not aware of investment options except fixed deposits and PF. Besides, work along with looking after the house does not leave me much time so I let my husband make all the investments,” says the 39-year-old.Both Dagur and Natarajan represent a vast number of women in India who have evaded or still are evading the responsibility of managing their finances. Social conditioning definitely plays a part here. In our country, women, even earning ones, let male members in the family—father, husband and brother— handle the family’s finances. “Women are brought up to believe that managing money is part of the male domain,” says Mrin Aggarwal, Founder Director, Finsafe India. Nearly 42% of the 139 women respondents to a survey conducted by ET Wealth said they let their partners handle the family’s money. 68230062 In Pic: Sandhya Natarajan, 49, Chennai Marketing professionalHer mistake: Left financial decision-making to her husband during the time she was married. Following her divorce she found it difficult to plan for her financial future along with handling the household.Her learning: As she had little knowledge of investments, she took the help of a professional adviser to get her finances back on track.Also Read: How to maintain financial independence after marriageHowever, this hands-off approach comes with its set of pitfalls. Let us examine the biggest financial mistakes women tend to make and how they affect their financial health.1. Let others handle their financesNatarajan was left in a lurch when she got divorced. “I was clueless about the savings and investments my ex-husband had made on behalf of both of us,” she says. Since she did not take part in the financial decision making process while married, she had a hard time picking up her financial life post-divorce. After a year of making wrong decisions and suffering losses, she finally got her financial life on track with the help of a professional adviser.Apart from the patriarchal legacy, women stay away from money matters because many find the task daunting. “I have seen that women have a huge mind block about investing. Instead of educating themselves, they find it more convenient to transfer the responsibility to the men in the family,” says Priya Sunder, Director, PeakAlpha Investment Services. As a result of this hesitation, financial literacy among women continues to remain low. Indian women score second lowest on the financial literacy ranking of G20 countries, as per a report by Global Financial Literacy Excellence Centre. 68230072 In Pic: Pooja Dagur 38, Jaipur, Clothing designerHer mistake: She invested in gold jewellery through a gold savings scheme. Only understood the hidden costs of the scheme after paying for two years.Her learning: Stopped investing in gold jewellery after realising it was not a lucrative option.This lack of awareness can be detrimental to their long-term goals, especially retirement. Women have a longer life expectancy than men, take career breaks due to childcare responsibilities and are paid less. An International Labour Organization report says women in India are paid 34% less than men. Due to these reasons women need to plan for their retirement differently.Sunder says women already have a flair for budgeting as a result of managing the household finances. “Discipline of staying within a budget is the first step to saving and investing. Hence, the foundation of being disciplined investors is already strong in women,” she says. They should build on this and take on the investment responsibilities too. Men should also engage their wives and daughters in investment decisions instead of doing it themselves.2. Not negotiate a better salaryResearch shows that women are more reluctant to negotiate a better pay package compared to their male counterparts. Doubt and a false feeling of being underqualified restricts women from asking their due. “Women are more likely than men to be critical of the quality of their own work and hence wait till their performance has exceeded expectations before they negotiate for themselves,” says Soujanya Vishwanath, Co-founder, Pink Ladder, a career training company for women.Take the case of Vidya Mehta (name changed). During her third job change, she accepted a marginal hike without pushing too much as she did not want to be viewed as greedy. However, she found out later that a male colleague with half her work experience had been hired at a higher package. “He played his cards really well whereas I sold myself short. I understated even the most significant achievements from my previous jobs,” says Mehta. After calculating the difference in their salaries, we found that Mehta is earning about Rs 1.25 lakh less in a year.Women should build their bargaining power with the first job. Most importantly, they should not agree to whatever is offered during the interview just to get their foot in through the door. What few realise is it’s even more difficult to ask for a raise once you are in the job. Priyanka Pandey, a former lawyer, knows this too well. Fresh out of college she accepted the first offer that was given to her hoping she would get a raise later. “While I was employed I was hesitant and uncomfortable negotiating my terms of payment with my employer so I never did,” says Pandey. “The biggest learning for me was definitely stating out the terms of payment clearly before saying yes to any job,” she adds.Tips to negotiate a better salary1. Know how much you are worthResearch well and fi nd out the market rate for a person with your level of experience, qualifi cation and skill set. This is the amount that you need to be ready with when asked to list your expectations.2. Research and prepareStudy the industry and company you want to work for and present an airtight case about what you bring to the table and why you are worth hiring. Or being paid the salary you are asking for.3. Always askYou may feel hesitant asking for a higher salary, fearing rejection, but understand that if you don’t ask, you will never get it. Be confi dent of your skills and competence and know that you deserve a higher salary. So always ask.4. Consider benefits and perksCompare the offer with your existing and future pay package, including perks, bonuses, benefi ts and increments. Know which employee benefi ts or perks are open to negotiation and focus on these.Vishwanath of Pink Ladder says that women should be aware of their market value before going for the interview. “They should be careful to not discount their achievements,” she says.3. Let emotions guide decisionsWomen tend to feel anxious about asking for their money back whereas men tend to be more upfront, suggest several reports. And, women are also more likely to lend financial help to their family and friends out of empathy. “Women are more empathetic. Even if they are not comfortable, they will still lend to their family to help them tide over a difficulty,” says Amit Suri, a Delhi-based financial adviser.That’s not the only instance where emotions influence financial decisions for women. Spending and emotions go hand in hand for them. A survey conducted by a financial management services platform Leeds Building Society, showed that about 33% women shop to improve their mood when they feel low, compared to 14% men. But two-fifth of the 33% admitted to feeling guilty about their purchases later. This is because women buy clothes, accessories and related articles that are visible in the pile of purchases lying around. On the other hand, men mostly spend on food and entertainment as part of their retail therapy, which is easier to spend and forget.Emotional spending can derail goals quite easily. Next time before buying nonessentials think of the time when you did a similar purchase and how long the good feeling lasted for. If it was followed by guilt or stress, it’s definitely time for you to seriously examine the impact of emotional decisions on your finances.Women often give precedence to their children over their own needs. This too is a result of an emotional approach to their list of priorities. However, they should provide and protect their retirement first, and then the kids.4. Invest in gold jewelleryIndian’s love of gold is no secret. While gold may not be a bad investment in itself, buying it as jewellery comes with concerns of high charges and storage.With increasing awareness buyers are gradually shifting to other cost-effective options of gold investments such as gold ETFs, bonds and gold bars. However, this shift is typically seen among men buyers whereas women continue to hoard gold in the form of jewellery. Staggered payments by the way of gold savings schemes have made it easier for them to buy gold without feeling the pinch of a lump sum payment. A customer-facing officer from a leading Indian jewellery brand, who requested anonymity, told ET Wealth that their gold saving scheme has maximum women takers.Dagur has enrolled in a similar scheme twice, which offered her a bonus of 7.5% of the total amount deposited. At face value, she found it a good way to save each month and then invest in gold at the end of the tenure along with earning a bonus. However, the attraction soon faded. “The first time I did not pay attention to finer details because I had been planning to buy a chain for a long time. However, at the end of the second tenure it hit me that I’ll have to buy something to avail the bonus the jeweller had promised me. It wasn’t really an interest component,” she says.

from Economic Times

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