Vodafone Idea's troubles are far from over

Mumbai | New Delhi: The corporate leadership of telecom market leader by customer base, Vodafone-Idea, is trying to cope with the merger’s biggest challenge — managing employee morale at a time of huge job losses. So far, management has chalked up more losses than wins.“The morale is quite low… The message we are getting is ‘everyone’s job is under threat’, which is harming performance,” said a senior employee of Vodafone Idea, India’s newly created telecom market leader. ET spoke to 14 company employees and consultants, who chose to speak off record.Vodafone-Idea let go of 4,000-5,000 employees in the lead up to the merger in August 2018. Over eight months down, the employee count now is around 12,500, down from the pre-merger combined headcount of over 17,000.“Every day we come to office to hear about more pink slips…,” said a mid-level employee, who has managed to retain his job post-merger.Vodafone Idea CEO Balesh Sharma —the company chairman is Kumar Mangalam Birla — didn’t comment on the current employee strength and layoffs, but said the people integration was progressing smoothly.He said that Vodafone Idea has already realised 60% of the targeted synergies in seven months, something which typically “would have taken four years…10 circles of full integration of networks wouldn’t have been possible if engineers were all not working together.”To avoid a “huge exodus”, the company stopped hiring from the time of announcing the merger, Sharma said. And this month, the company has again opened up hiring, but for people internally, he added.“Very clearly from Day 1, we were aware of one thing — the success of this merger and integration depends on people. Very clearly also, we were initially conscious of the fact that the two organisations are wired differently...there could be cultural differences, due to the way they are structured…, and the need to be very careful,” said Sharma.The CEO also told ET that communication with employees is a two way process, with “equal feedback”, and two very clear goals we re set: integrate as quickly as possible and protect market share.But seven months on, it is clear from ET’s conversations with Vodafone-Idea employees and consultants, the process remains a source of considerable tension for staffers.Kavil Ramachandran, professor at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, said the two companies had been fighting for the same market space and came from different organisation cultures.“Employees would feel closer to their parent company or the team they worked with,” Ramachandran said. A senior employee reaffirmed the point of divided loyalties. “Employees continue to have their loyalties aligned to their parent firms. 69549360 They haven’t reached the stage where they consider their new regime bosses to actually be their bosses…,” said a person, who deals with Vodafone-Idea executives for business. “This also sends contradictory signals to vendors.”Sharma countered this, saying that the employees were working very well together. “If you were a fly on the wall, on the second day, guys were discussing distribution, network — impossible for you to be able to tell who is from Idea or Vodafone,” Sharma said. He added that the new company had “celebrated” the differences, and chosen best practices from both premerger companies.But other HR processes are also affecting morale. A senior executive told ET that differences in the appraisal process will also create heartburn.“So, the fundamental basis for one company’s appraisal process was that departments can’t operate in silos. So, operations can’t perform if finance wasn’t up to it, for example,” the executive said. But for the other partner, each function had to meet its own milestone, which was not related to any other function. “So, people appear to be working in silos”.Salary levels of both companies were also different, and so were spending habits, with the multinational being more “expansive” and Idea “conservative”, which is leading to “frictions within teams”, he added.Sharma said employees have been told that that the new organisation will take some time to finalise compensation that will be a part of a new pay structure.But Vodafone-Idea’s new employee designation structure — which is being rolled out from June — is also a source of discontent. Some employees claim the new structure is leading to so-called ‘demotions’, and alleged that it could be a move to shed more jobs. A VIL spokesperson said, “…the new banding & designation architecture… is being explained to our employees via a variety of communication channels”.The new structure which comprises five bands (M1to M5) and a set of corresponding designation prefixes has no relation to the ones followed by either Vodafone or Idea. Sharma said the intention is to make the organisation leaner and make new hires fit in better.Employees though are wary. Their argument is that new role classifications can be both confusing and demoralising — the most frequent example given was that various designations now have the same job profile —as well as a “career spoiler”.A company spokesperson defended the new bands and also said there was “a lack of understanding of the design of our new designation architecture”.

from Economic Times

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