A time bomb banks cannot afford to ignore

MUMBAI: The Reserve Bank of India’s Financial Stability Report warned that the non-banking finance companies (NBFCs) and mortgage firms in dire straits pose a serious threat.According to the report that was issued on Thursday, the contagion from the malaise gripping shadow lenders, along with a looming global trade war and instability stemming from US actions, is among the biggest threats to the markets.RBI also called for tighter supervision of NBFCs and mortgage lenders.Some of the large NBFCs and housing finance companies (HFCs) have the potential to cause the kind of instability that big banks could trigger, said the report. “Solvency contagion losses to the banking system due to idiosyncratic HFC/NBFC failure show that failure of the largest of these can cause losses comparable to those caused by the big banks, underscoring the need for greater surveillance over large HFCs/NBFCs,” RBI said. On the other hand, the banking system’s risks have declined substantially from last year. Stress tests indicate that under the baseline scenario, the gross bad loans ratio of all scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) may narrow to 9.0% in March 2020 from 9.3% in March.While finances have stabilised, there is a need to reform state-run banks (PSBs) if past measures have to bear fruit, the central bank said. “There should be special focus on governance reforms in banks,” said central bank governor Shaktikanta Das in his foreword to the report.“The proof of the pudding lies in PSBs’ ability to attract private capital through market discipline, rather than being overly dependent on the government for capital,” said Das.The financial markets have been in flux ever since Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services (IL&FS) defaulted on its payments in September, leading to a liquidity squeeze on NBFCs. Subsequently, mutual funds shut out many NBFCs and HFCs to which they had been lending earlier, leading to a fire sale of assets to meet payment obligations. The cost of funds for shadow lenders rose despite falling policy rates.Stress tests under various scenarios show NBFCs will see their capital fall. If there’s an increase in gross NPAs by 0.5 standard deviation, capital adequacy falls to 17.9% from 19.5%. Under 1 standard deviation, it falls to 15.3%.While the NBFCs grew when banks were under stress, the time may have come for banks to regain that space and for the para banks to focus on prudence. 69982826 “The growth in non-bank credit intermediation has largely happened against the background of weakly capitalised and impairment-laden PSBs,’’ said governor Das. “As the banks are on the mend, the structure of non-banking credit intermediation should focus on developing on more prudent lines. This will require harnessing niche expertise at their disposal and ensuring better asset liability management.”The Indian banking system is probably in better shape after years of being dragged down by bad loans as provision coverage and capital investment by the government have made finances better.“With the bulk of the legacy non-performing assets (NPAs) already recognised in the banking books, the nonperforming assets cycle seems to have turned around,’’ said the report. “Provision coverage ratio of all scheduled commercial banks rose sharply to 60.6% in March 2019 from 52.4% in September 2018 and 48.3% in March 2018, increasing the resilience of the banking sector.’’But some areas such as liquidity need attention.“The banking stability indicator gives a mixed picture,’’ RBI said. “While banks’ asset quality and soundness improved, balance sheet liquidity, that is, proportion of liquid assets and stable liabilities, as also profitability need improvement.’’The central bank said actions by the US could pose a challenge for emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs).“Given the current global scenario, the US political and economic policies seems to be the fulcrum of EMDEs’ financial stability with its ‘inflation rate’ as the key risk driver, amidst other random blows that the EMDEs constantly face,’’ said the report.The Financial Stability Report “reflects the collective assessment of the subcommittee of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) on risks to financial stability, as also the resilience of the financial system,” the RBI said. “The report also discusses issues relating to development and regulation of the financial sector.”

from Economic Times

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