Sandip Sabharwal’s Budget trades: PSUs can be a contrarian buy

Globally and locally, government bond yields are at multi-year lows. The government needs to take this opportunity and go for a fiscal stimulus to revive the economy, says Sandip Sabharwal, Excerpts from interview with ETNOW.Would the government try and instil growth back into the economy on a priority basis, if at all? Also, does it come at the cost of a burden in the fisc?That should be the priority mainly because when you calculate fiscal deficit, there is a numerator and a denominator. If you think that you can keep increasing your tax collections and not spend as much and revive the economy, and that just by squeezing more and more tax revenue for the same amount of GDP you will achieve a fiscal deficit control, that is not going to happen. What they need to understand is that the denominator, which is the GDP, needs to expand. As the GDP expands, then with the compliance structures which are now in place with GST being there and with a lot of systems in place to capture tax avoidance etc, the tax revenues will go up on their own. The entire focus on fiscal deficit should go. As it is, government bond yields are at multi-year lows. It is not that a small amount of fiscal stimulus will lead to a huge increase in borrowing costs. Look at the global picture; the US 10-year bond yields are at 2%, German and Japanese bond yields are in the negative, Australia is looking to take rates to negative. so we do not know what is going to happen. Globally, the rates are going to remain down and Indian bond yields are also going to remain lower. The government needs to take this opportunity and give some fiscal stimulus to revive the economy.But it will come at the cost of a miss on the fiscal deficit?That should be done and I do not think government should be too bothered about that.Every time, you see a market rally, going into the budget. This time around, there is really no sign of any rally but still expectations are high. What does that mean? Are markets going in with weak expectations or are expectations very high going into this budget?I do not think expectations are high because most people believe that the fiscal space is low and they will not be able to do much. But I think they can do a lot. That is the opportunity and the easiest way they can do it is by doing two, three things. This is not the time for big bang reforms. They can cut personal income tax, they can cut corporate income tax and/or they can give tax incentives for job creation. That by itself is sufficient. You do not need to do something really big.Even if these growth numbers in terms of expenditures are maintained at what they are, with an innovative funding method like a bond or anything else not impacting the fiscal, should that be taken positively?It should be and there are a lot of things which the government can actually do. There is always the opportunity for the government to raise a sovereign bond. It is something which the RBI has not liked in the past but given global yields and the kind of premium India will have to pay at 3.5%, at around 4%, you can raise maybe a 20-30-year bond. If you do that for $20 billion, then that crowding story goes away on its own. But whether they are able to convince RBI to do that or not, we have to see. Too much of innovation does not work because as we saw NIIF (National Investment & Infrastructure Fund) was supposed to refinance loans etc, But nothing has happened. It has created just a few jobs for the people who are heading them they don’t seem to have done any refinance.When you talk about consumption, the two legs of the economy -- autos and housing -- have really been bleeding. How do you think the government is going to address these two segments?Housing actually revives of its own when liquidity is ample and interest rates come down. The same is the case with the auto sector because the overall household debt in India has come down substantially over the last five, seven years. If you look at the overall indebtedness of this country, it has been very contrary to what has happened globally. Corporates have deleveraged, households have deleveraged and so the leverage levels actually are very low. There will be some corporates who have their own issues but as an overall basket, we are a deleveraged economy.As interest rates come down, we will see the impact of that coming very fast. All the pockets you talked of will do well.The other beleaguered segment has been the NBFCs, What can the budget do to instil liquidity back into the system? Or would that be RBI’s headache?Sandip Sabharwal: Only RBI can do it because the government cannot do anything on that and what the RBI also can do is ensure sufficient system liquidity. They cannot be financing a particular NBFC in this case. They have to ensure that if the liquidity is surplus in the system. If NBFCs do not get hurt, their borrowers also do not get hurt because finally the borrowers are also getting hurt along with the NBFCs because a lot of segments catered to by NBFCs are unable to lend now and so those borrowers are also suffering. One segment which could be a contrarian buy overall as a segment are the PSU stocks because under NDA-1, PSU stocks got derated heavily.When you say PSU stocks, it is PSU banks or others also?Across the board. It can be NTPC, it can be Bharat Electronics, it can be PFC or banks or anything because Under NDA-1, PSUs got derated because every year, following disinvestment, those stocks were just dumped in the market. The government has now realised that that model does not work so much, the PSU valuations have come down substantially. Now we could actually be looking at some sort of strategic disinvestment going ahead and not too much of these piecemeal 2-3-4% offer for sales. A lot of these stocks are trading at half of what they were at the peak or even lower than that, That is one opportunity for a contrarian investor.But do you think that at a time like this when Jet is not finding takers, the PSUs will? We are not talking of Air India. A lot of the PSUs have a lot of value and if you are actually giving control to someone, if you privatise, look at how successful Hindustan Zinc as a company is in private hands.

from Economic Times

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