The FM interview: Sitharaman breaks down Budget for Aiyar

I did not realise well after I finished my speech that I missed out on reading it. Normally, the last bit would have been on fiscal deficit, says Nirmala Sitharaman, Finance Minister. Excerpts from an exclusive interview with ETNOW.Swaminathan Aiyar: There are a number of new features in the Budget; one new idea is that instead of borrowing domestically and raising interest rates, you are going to be borrowing abroad. Could you tell us how much are you going to borrow this year, how much in the next five years so that we have an idea of the overall plan?Nirmala Sitharaman: It’s a bit too early for me to get into the details of how much because I would rather hold it for a while but the logic with which we did this was because repeatedly in several of our multilateral and bilateral meetings, it was getting obvious that in the Euro market and in the Yen, there was definitely a flush of funds and they were not probably finding good opportunities to invest. If that is one side of the story, the other side of the story was we have so many projects, all of which are waiting for funds and are holding back for want of good returns. For want of resources, we are stuck where we are. We thought we could make a genuinely good attempt at tapping these resources and when we looked at our own records, the external borrowing is rather miniscule. So ,we wanted to make the two things come together so that the country could benefit.Nayantara Rai: Going into the Budget day, we all thought we will deviate from the fiscal glide path. You have surprised everyone by actually lowering the ambitious target. There was a belief that may be the revenue targeted earlier would see a shortfall. Can you tell us what is this extra mobilisation which is going to come primarily from disinvestment? Could it also perhaps be something that you are expecting from the RBI in the form of this surplus transfer?Nirmala Sitharaman: Two-three things. The tax revenue estimates being what they are, as we very clearly said, 17.5 or 17.7 for the direct taxes and about 15.5 for the indirect taxes, we thought was a realistic expectation we can lay for ourselves. Even with those realistic expectations, we are confident that our revenue generation will be on a positive note. Also, it was felt the interim figures were not realistic, were rather too ambitious. But I would like to say now and also give the figures which have come out. If you were expecting double digit in some areas, it may be not double digit, but we still are on the 9%-8% level of increase in comparison with last year. So, there is no slowdown in the revenue generation. It is happening and it’s a good number. It is not at 1% or 2%, it is a decent 7-8%. Second, we have given ourselves realistic expectations. The disinvestment is about Rs 25,000 crore more in terms of the target that we have given. It was Rs 90,000 crore earlier, now it is about Rs 1,05,000 crore. So, everywhere we have given ourselves figures which are imminently achievable. We are confident that we will reach the level.. On the issue of FRBM (fiscal responsibility & budget management), there has been an ongoing debate saying what is so sacred about the 3% or why should you have a gliding path to reach it, although we know that it has been given and that is what we have to comply and follow. I am not for a minute deviating from it but the narrative and the discussion which is going around would be for a country like India -- where developmental requirements and jobs all demand you have to be a bit more generous with your purse and why should you restrict yourself because of this FRBM constraint that you have on your head? I am here to have a complete compliance of the law. FRBM is a law, I have to be obedient. So, I will obey it and the glide path is sacred for me. I will maintain it and that is why this time in spite of several commitments and expenditure, welfare measures, which are all richly deserving. I have made sure that the fiscal deficit will go through the gliding path. Today we are at 3.3%. Of course, I did not realise well after I finished my speech that I missed out on reading it. Normally, the last bit would have been on fiscal deficit. For whatever reason it was not there in my speech because till the last minute I was under the impression that I have read the last line with it in my proofreading stage, but since it was not there and I thought it was my business to get up and say that I have complied, I have not violated any discipline. So, I got up to say it. Now I recognise the importance there.Swaminathan Aiyar: Rs 70,000 crore of bank capitalisation will certainly help the banks to revive lending in a big way. What is the phasing? Nirmala Sitharaman: I would think it will be about three years but I would not be able to break it down now. You will get to know a bit later, during the parliamentary debates I will be able to expand on it and give you the figure for it. And similarly, we have also attended to the NBFC crisis, that you did not ask me but...Swaminathan Aiyar: It is part of the same package?Nirmala Sitharaman: Yes, same thing-- because on the NBFCs, the government had been spending a lot of time monitoring, looking at what is happening to comprehensively address the issue. But at the same time, without understanding all its dimensions we did not want to get into it. It was obvious that when I had my stakeholder consultations during the pre-Budget preparation, it was obvious some eminent names, clearly said that it is not a simple one problem, it is an issue of solvency for some, and governance for some of the NBFCs; a third may suffer from want of liquidity, but it is not one problem affecting all. So then we looked at what were the immediate things that we had to do; one was for clearly making sure that the regulatory and resolutionary powers were in the right place. That is the reason why in this finance bill, we are moving it all to RBI and that is true of even the National Housing Bank related powers. So, that is moving out. Similarly, we have given a window which can be opened by the Reserve Bank for which we are giving a 10% backstop arrangement. So with that, I hope those suffering for want of liquidity will be able to get it but for those who are not suffering from liquidity there is a positive message going that we have responded. It is not as if the performing ones will have to doubly perform now and those who are languishing will be languishing, not at all. We want the entire sector to get a message that we have attended to you.Swaminathan Aiyar: The RBI excess capital was something we were anxiously looking forward to because this could be a very large sum of money. The Bimal Jalan Committee has not yet submitted its report yet you must be having some kind of assumptions. Have you built that presumption into the budget? If not, is this going to be an additional supplementary budget afterwards?Nirmala Sitharaman: No. We have built in some estimated figure.Swaminathan Aiyar: How much?Nirmala Sitharaman: In fact it was interesting I was telling myself Rs 85,000 crore. The finance secretary during the press conference after the budget presentation said Rs 90,000 crore. So, it must be in that range.Nayantara Rai: With what you are going to get from the Reserve Bank of India and more importantly what you have announced as far as RBI versus NBFC goes which is considered to be one of the biggest pain points in the economy, do you think you have done enough to spur investments and growth because going into the Budget day, there has been a concern that the economy is in a slowdown?Nirmala Sitharaman: I have heard this several times and I am not rejecting any of what is being observed; yet, I will draw your attention to the fact that India still is the fastest growing economy globally. And we do not want to do anything that is going to upset that growth. On the contrary, I would rather do everything that it takes to make sure that growth is sustained at an even higher level. Therefore, to say that I would not have done anything or I have not done much for spurring growth -- I can understand this because I have taken a very different way of probably presenting the budget -- but the documents, the annex to the speech all goes into every detail that otherwise you and people like Swaminathan can go into great detail and tell us what they read in between the lines. But then, the fact is the way in which we have approached the spurring of the growth matter is we are going to put more money in the hands of the people through the time tested method which we have done in the last five years of investing and public spending for infrastructure. And that is not just roads, we are looking at Greenfield airport, Brownfield airports, Sagar Mala, inland waterways, infrastructure in various different ways. On the other hand, through the direct benefit transfer, we are definitely moving to literally reaching with money to the hands of the last man in the queue. Over and above that, we have given tax deductions for those who are buying affordable houses, increased the amount. We have also given the same approach for electrical vehicles so that incentive is given, benefit reaches the common man with the consciousness that we have to be careful about environment and start-ups being given the kind of tax concessions that I have given should actually feel a lot more energetic. The worries, especially about angel tax, has been completely removed now.Swaminathan Aiyar: A major policy change has been on PSUs. Shall we bring down the holding in some public sector undertaking below 51%? If you could name two or three of them. Secondly, Yashwant Sinha as finance minister had said we may keep a golden share. We may reduce our shareholding in banks down to 30% but keep a golden share for control. Is the golden share under consideration if you reduce it to 51%.Nirmala Sitharaman: Not really golden share line of thinking but when we have clearly said if there are other government agencies which are holding shares in the same company and government also holds, should the 51% be only on the shoulders of the government or government owned? So, together if it is possible will hold 51% and release the rest for common retail shareholders. The spirit of Jan Bhagidari is kept alive by doing that.Swaminathan Aiyar: You get out of CVC and other problems also?Nirmala Sitharaman: We have to have a clear framework on it.Swaminathan Aiyar: But you cannot name any companies?Nirmala Sitharaman: I would not name the company in Parliament in sessions, I do not want to do it outside but…Nayantara Rai: In fact I tried very hard with the disinvestment secretary to get the names as well in a separate interview. He did not do that but he did mention Air India’s not part of the Rs 1,05,000 crore. So that will be a challenge, you got Jet…Nirmala Sitharaman: To give you a clue on disinvestment, not so much just the 51% but disinvestment, we will make sure that the list of companies for which CCA approval was obtained in principle will be undertaken.Nayantara Rai: So all the CCA approval companies... Swaminathan Aiyar: Would that included Air India?Nirmala Sitharaman: Not Air India was separate. Aside from Air India there was a list.Nayantara Rai: What I also find interesting was that so far the government has been taking special permission from RBI to not meet the minimum public shareholding norm of 25%. In your Budget speech, you had said you are going to request the SEBI chairman to perhaps increase that threshold to 35%. That is also a setting of sorts for the public sector undertakings, I would imagine because we have seen special permission being requested in the past.Nirmala Sitharaman: That is right. In the larger context, in this budget, they have tried opening up as much as possible, easing out as much as possible and making sure that minimum governance principle is adhered to. As a result, I have picked up on many such things, including paradigm shifts like external borrowing. This is one such thing where we thought if you are taking one step now you do not wait for the next one day, there could be a several steps giving a big picture of where this country has to be and where we would want to work and that is why we have mentioned several of these things.Swaminathan Aiyar: Arun Jaitley in his first budget said we have to able to compete on tax rates with our competitors in south east Asia and therefore we must bring down our rates to that level. That time he said bring it down to 25%. But by now the south east Asians are down to below 20%. Secondly, their income tax rates are much lower but in this budget, you have just increased them.Nirmala Sitharaman: Not for everybody.Swaminathan Aiyar: Not for everybody but for the big investors who are relevant who would be producing the most tax. After all, that is why you have done it because you want the revenue but for those people you have become uncompetitive. So the question is, is there not a danger that you are making the economy uncompetitive compared with our neighbours?Nirmala Sitharaman: I do not think so. I am not finding a fault but the difficulty arises when you raise one of them and say you put people at a disadvantage, they will no longer be competitive and therefore this is not doing any good. You have to place it in the context of so many other things that we have done which enhances their competitiveness. For instance one classic example which I also quoted in the budget speech was of the GST. The rate reductions in GST for manufacturing units for service sector, all of which today can tell you a story of Rs 94,000 crore, which has really been given as a benefit. In other words, by not asking them to pay me tax which would have otherwise given me Rs 94,000 crore. Is that not making them competitive? Any time we speak about increasing the competitiveness of Indian industry – small, medium, big, large -- there are several factors which go into a making of it. I need each one of the factors to be addressed and I concede that but if there is one factor on which something has been done, it may not be proper to think that the competitiveness wholly will be affected. The glide path on the corporate taxation is still being maintained. Now it is only 0.07% companies which have still not reached the 25% level. But for others I have done it. What started in 2014 on the 25% corporate tax which you quoted just now it is now complied with, not just up to Rs 250 crore, but up to Rs 400 crore.Swaminathan Aiyar: But the other your competitors have gone down below 20%.Nirmala Sitharaman: No, it is not personal income tax…Swaminathan Aiyar: It is just 15-20% effective rate. So the question is if you are going to be competitive, you need to follow them rather than just the original…Nirmala Sitharaman: I understand that.Nayantara Rai: Was there a particular reason why you chose not to give a road map? As far as this corporate tax rate cut goes, there were lots of expectations on this one. Nirmala Sitharaman: Hardly 0.7% are left behind.Nayantara Rai: But those are the big ones.Nirmala Sitharaman: That is okay. We are giving a lot of relief anyway for many of the industries.Swaminathan Aiyar: You have raised the import duties on several items like it happened in the last two budgets. There is this fear that we are going towards increasing protectionism?Nirmala Sitharaman: Not at all.Swaminathan Aiyar: But then if you keep increasing import duties then...Nirmala Sitharaman: No, it is only for those commodities which are being produced in India -- maybe who need that little support from us for some more time. It is for those manufacturers who may not be able to survive if goods continue to come into the country. We want them to be sure that they are competitive enough to face the market. After all, even in India now, with global tendering in most of the things, purchase is based on international qualitative standards. So those manufacturers in India, if they are not able to rise to that level of meeting the standards of procurement, will anyway have to change their approach to their production. We want to give them a fair chance so that we do not import those goods which they are fully capable of making if only given a bit more support. It is only for that.Swaminathan Aiyar: Sunset clauses are not there?Nirmala Sitharaman: Well the details can be worked out and we can see but then we are very clear that these are brought in with that intention. And also with the intention that if it is possibly available in India, why should we be increasing our import bill? That is about it.Nayantara Rai: You are going down in history as India’s first full-time woman finance minister. It must have been one challenging task getting all of this together? How did you do it, if you can give us some behind the scenes insights?Nirmala Sitharaman: First to the credit of the ministry of finance, the institutional mechanism within this ministry is so well laid out that each silo knows what they have to do, when they have to interface with others and so on. So that actually made my job easier. And second, even to the extent that, for instance, you go and see the printer down in the cellar, the quarantined area, nearly a 100 people are there for the last 10 days getting the budget documents ready. The dedication! The process runs. There is no slippage anywhere so the ministry is so well institutionalised that it is easy for anyone to come in and join and be a part of that mechanism. But with that said, yes it was an intensive phase of learning even as you are in the fire but they have all been very cooperative and helpful.Nayantara Rai: And was it your decision to not have that masculine briefcase, that old colonial tradition? Nirmala Sitharaman: Yes, absolutely my decision. My family’s decision. They thought it is high time that we got over the colonial hangover.Swaminathan Aiyar: Jaswant Singh brought only a file, he abandoned it actually when he was the finance minister.Nirmala Sitharaman: So I have made it a point to get over and of course, my parents thought if you were really going to leave the suitcase, here we go, we do this. So this was handmade by my maami. She did it herself.

from Economic Times

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