A DIY guide to knowing where India is headed

Economic indicators give us an idea how healthy the economy is and where it is headed. ET Wealth explains why it is important to distinguish between leading and lagging indicators.A. LEADING INDICATORSThese typically shift before major economic adjustments and so have the potential to accurately predict future trends. However, these may be misleading at times, and should be used with caution.1. Bank credit growthSlowing credit growth indicates lower economic activity 71769472 Source: RBILending activity indicates confidence among corporates to borrow for expansion as well as consumer sentiment. Higher credit growth suggests a pick up in economic growth while muted lending spells a slowdown.2. Capacity utilisationCapacity utilisation at firms is low 71769477 Source: RBIHow much of production capacity at manufacturing plants is being utilised is indicative of economic growth. Higher utilisation suggests robust demand while lower utilisation implies weak demand.3. Bond yieldsFalling bond yields can mean the market expects turbulence 71769487 Source: RBIThe movement in government bond yield suggests confi dence of bond markets. A fall in long-term bond yields can indicate markets expect a recession and future cuts in interest rates. Investors prefer government bonds to more risky assets.4. Housing launchesFall in new residential project launches suggests waning demand 71769494 Source: ANAROCK ResearchThe number of new residential projects being launched indicates the strength of the housing market—a proxy for likely economic growth. A large number of launches suggests buoyancy in the economy but falling volumes signal slowing growth.B. LAGGING INDICATORSThese indicators change usually after the trend has already taken hold and are an outcome of ongoing activity. These indicators are seen confi rming a pattern that is in progress rather than predict it in advance.1. Unemployment rateRate of unemployment has picked up over the past few years 71769503 Source: CMIEThe number of individuals looking for work provides a delayed indication of the state of the economy. Unemployment starts to increase a few quarters after economic slowdown has already set in.2. GDP GrowthIndia’s GDP growth has moderated sharply 71769515 Source: RBIWhile GDP is the final measure of economic health, it has limited value as it only tells us with a lag what has already happened. Even so, it offers a definitive confi rmation of established trends that can provide a firm basis for policy actions.3. Corporate earnings growthIndia Inc’s slump in profits confirms a sharp economic slowdown 71769521 Source: CapitalineProfit growth is confirmation of trends that have already been established. Strong earnings growth reflects healthy demand for goods and services. Muted profitability confirms otherwise.C. COINCIDENT INDICATORSCoincident indicators are witnessed at around the same time the changes they signal occur. Since these happen almost in real time, they don’t offer much predictive insights, but provide a fair reading of the current scenario.1. Manufacturing activityManufacturing activity has decelerated sharply 71769536 Source: RBIProduction activity at factories indicate how the economy is shaping up. Increase in Index of Industrial Production (IIP) suggests more demand,leading to healthy economic growth. Decelerating IIP indicates a slowing demand environment.2. Interest ratesSofter interest rate regime is response to muted growth 71769546 Source: RBIInterest rate decisions are at times framed in response to emerging trends, as proactive measures at others. Typically, central banks raise interest rates to curb inflation, and lower rates to stimulate economic growth.3. Consumer inflationInflation has remained benign in recent years 71769549 Source: RBIHigher inflation signifies demand is robust or supply is constrained, while soft inflation usually implies either weak demand or excess supply.

from Economic Times

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