Don't send savings offshore; buy quality stocks: Nilesh Shah

Today, barring the domestic mutual funds, everyone else is a seller, says Nilesh Shah, MD, Kotak AMC. Accumulate quality stocks at reasonable valuations over next 6 months. Excerpts from an interview with ETNOW.Why is there a dichotomy between news and the price action in the market? There are a couple of reasons. Market is driven by three things – flows, sentiments and fundamentals. From a flow point of view, domestic institutional investors led by mutual funds are buyers, but most others are sellers -- whether it is FPIs which have taken Rs 3,000 crore from equity in October or the government which has to do divestment or the retail and HNI investors who have lost a lot of money in small and midcaps; or the traders who have lost lots of money in weekly options, especially on the fateful Friday when the market went up 2,000 points. So, today from a flow point of view, barring the domestic mutual funds, everyone else is a seller. Sentiment, on the other hand, have been kept on the muted side by a number of things -- be it the continuity of LTCG despite STT bill being levied or the FPIs surcharge, now fortunately scrapped. But it has left a bad taste. It is also driven by MSCI emerging market indices changes where India’s weightage will go down by a percentage point over the next one year and sentiments try to take note of future things as well. The most important thing is fundamentals. If fundamentals are good, flows and sentiments will change. In the Monetary Policy Committee, RBI gave a shocking data. The fund flows to the commercial sector of India is down 88% in April to mid September. From among Rs 700,000 crore, it has come down to Rs 90,000 crore. In no part of the world has growth happened without money. If fund flows have come down by 88%, how will the growth be sustained? It is an amazing thing that we are still growing at 5%. As Manish Chokhani mentioned in his tweet, there are many positives in terms of low oil prices, low commodity prices, lower interest rates compared to the past, lower corporate tax rates compared to the past, good monsoon, cleaning up of NPAs in banks as well as NBFCs. But all these things have not resulted in better liquidity in the hands of the borrowers. If the corporate credit flow has come down by 88%, no way growth can be sustained and this is what the market is trying to decipher. Where are the fundamentals? Are we improving? Are we deteriorating? Are we stagnating? There is a lot of confusion. On one hand, Rs 5 biscuit packs are not getting sold, on the other hand, smart phones are being sold like crazy. On one hand, FMCG companies are going to give the most muted quarter in the last 15-20 years, on the other hand, Khadi and Village Industries Commission gross sales grew by Rs 15,000 crore last year. On one side, auto sales have dropped across-the-board, on the other hand, Seltos, Hector, Harrier are able to record record breaking growth. So there is a fair amount of confusion today in terms of data and that is where the market is a bit confused. They are waiting for some more clarity to emerge, especially in terms of corporate credit flow which can sustain growth. Are we in that kind of a linear environment where if you buy now, Gods will be on your side to help you make money?As a fund manager, we are likely to be more optimistic and keeping that optimistic mindset, I do believe this is a great opportunity to buy into the market. We have some amount of growth slowdown because of the right reasons. After NPA cleanup, growth is bound to slow down. Fiscal deficit prudence leads to growth slowing down. Same with inflation control. Subsidy payouts, leakages being plugged also mean growth is bound to slow down. After RERA cleanup, real estate sector growth is bound to slow down as well. There are the right reasons for which growth has slowed down from fiscal prudence to inflation control to RERA cleanup to subsidy leakages been plugged. All these things will result in a better growth in the days to come. Second, steps taken right now to reverse growth slowdown will have positive impact in the days to come. Liquidity was negative from 2012 to 2019 but May 2019 onwards, RBI has flushed the system. Interest rates have been cut by 135 bps. They are being cut at a lower pace than the estimate of GDP growth, but eventually these rate cuts and continuity would further result in better growth. Rate cut transmission is choked today; credit flow is down 88% but hopefully, corrective actions will be taken by way of capitalisation of PSU banks, NBFCs and taking out of toxic assets from the banking system. A foundation is being laid for better growth and it will be aided further by better monsoon, lower oil prices and lower commodity prices. More importantly, the government has bitten the bullet and showed their path of commitment to reforms, by way of; a) strategic divestment of BPCL. b)Cutting down tax rates to comparable levels with the peer group. The combination of all this will result in better growth. Whether it is three months down the line or two years, that only time will tell. Our feeling is that it is not a V-shape recovery, it is a U-shape recovery, a calibrated gradual grinding but recovery is certain. The good part is that the market is discounting negatives far more than actually it is and which is where you are seeing super largecaps trading at very high valuations. Largecaps are trading around their historical valuations, midcap are trading below their historical valuations and smallcaps are trading way below their historical valuations. This is the time to buy small and midcaps on a gradual basis keeping in pace with the government’s reform announcements and recovery in economy but today when market has discounted negatives far more than it is actual today when market is not willing to look at positives the valuations are in your favour and if you can accumulate quality stocks at reasonable valuations over the next six months, you will see better days ahead. What if we do not see better days ahead? What could cause that?The world has seen two crisis in the last 20 years -- the 2008 subprime crisis in the US and the 2013 European crisis. In both the categories, the prescription given by the experts of the western world was the same -- lower nominal interest rates to zero, make real interest rates negative, open the purse of the government on the fiscal side. You take out toxic assets from the banking system and capitalise your banking system so that the faith in the financial system continues. Wherever possible, you devalue your currency to gain export push. These are all the standard steps which people have done. In our case, our growth is still 5%. It is not negative 5%. We know how western worlds have come out of their trouble in 2008 as well as 2013. There is no rocket science behind it, it is economics 101. My feeling is if things deteriorate further, more actions will be taken. Fortunately for India, for every problem there is a solution. We need to play out that is solution. For example, India is bleeding it savings to offshore. In the last eight years, between 2011 and 2019, Indians have exported 245 billion of our savings in import of gold and precious stones. We are a poor patient, who is in an ICU trying to recover health, but is insisting on giving blood donation and then it is blaming the doctor that my health is not recovering. Stop giving blood donation your health will recover. We cannot allow our savings to be exported overseas and then complaint of lower growth. Savings needs to be retained in India. Instead of buying lofty bars of gold, we need to put that into building road which are pothole free. So there are problems in India, but there are solutions too and my hope and prayer is that we will have the political will and the economic sense to follow a path which leads to higher growth.What is your take on some of the PSU stocks? Is there potential for rerating of PSUs?A lot depends upon whether these PSUs will be allowed to function in a market-friendly manner. Most of the PSUs have incredible talent and incredible assets. What they lack is an environment in which they can flourish. For example, their decision making is constrained. In PSU banks, every three years, you are transferred from one department to another. In most private sector banks which are far more successful, people build specialisation. If you transfer someone from rural department to treasury and treasury department to rural, how do you build specialisation? The second thing is compensation philosophy; the average pay of PSU employee is higher than the average pay of a private sector employee, but the average pay of top PSU employees is significantly lower than the average pay of top private sector employees. How are you going to attract talent if you are not going to pay them market level? The third thing is related to decision making; many a times PSUs decisions are not driven by shareholder interest alone; they have to take into account employees, social consideration, regional consideration etc. All these multiple objectives result into underperformance. So by and large we have stayed away from public sector undertakings despite their incredible valuation, despite their incredible assets and despite their incredible talent pool. If there is a strategic divestment, then certainly there will be rerating of these PSUs. A case in point is Hindustan Zinc when before divestment was making 100,000 tons of zinc, today it makes 1.5 million tons of zinc, it has grown 15 times in the last 18 years odd. That is the potential of PSUs, the moment there is a strategic divestment, I am sure PSUs will get rerated. What about the earnings season? What should we brace ourselves for from individual sectors? Where are we likely to see earnings surprises and disappointments?By and large, September 2019 quarterly results earnings will be below market expectations. We have seen the data for July, August as well as September getting impacted by floods across the country. It is also impacted by some of the slowdown which was accentuated from June onwards. Across the sectors, we will see some disappointment in terms of market expectations. However, what will be critical is how do they foresee future? Our feeling is that September 2019 GDP growth will be the bottom. December 2019 will be better than September 19, March 2020 will be better than December 2019. The latest monetary policy which has revived growth downwards from 6.9% to 6.1% also is indicating a similar pattern. They believe even September 19 will be better than June 19 and thereafter December will better than September and so and so forth. Our feeling is that September could be a little lower than June, but the economic growth will bottom out and all the steps taken by the RBI and the government will start getting reflected into December 2019 quarter and then March 2020 quarter. When do you think the effect of low interest rates, low oil prices and the base effect would kick in?These are all the foundations, what we need is a change in the mindset. There are business families which today are not willing to invest because they are not able to get the credit and not because they are not having access to low interest rate funds. But they also believe that doing business has become tough and there is uncertainty on the economic future in terms of demand.We need to change the sentiments before the fundamentals change. The tax cut announcement is one way to change the sentiment. The cut in the interest rates, provision of liquidity is another way to change the sentiments but certainly entrepreneurs today are not looking to start making investments and which is where September 2019 quarterly commentary will become critical. As I mentioned earlier, we expect this to be a U-shaped recovery rather than V-shaped recovery. All the foundation which has been laid by way of lower interest rates, better liquidity, lower tax rates, high monsoon, cleanup in the banking system, low commodity prices all these things will come together but in a calibrated and gradual manner.

from Economic Times

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