India’s economic fundamentals unexploited: Aaditya Mattoo

India has made that first transition to basic manufacturing but did not fully exploit its potential and that is where the biggest kick to growth comes and that is where the jobs are generated. It has in some sense, made a precautious transition to more advanced manufacturing in areas like automotive parts or pharmaceuticals or sophisticated services and that has delivered growth but that has not delivered the same level of employment, says Aaditya Mattoo, Chief Economist, World Bank. Excerpts from an interview with Ruchi Bhatia of ETNOW. India’s GDP growth rate is at a six-year low in the second quarter, coming in at 4.5% and for the whole year, we could be well below the 6% mark. We are still talking about how India has to reach the $5-trillion economy mark. How difficult is it for us to walk on that path given the current growth concerns coming in?The world is witnessing a growth slowdown. It is witnessing the twin threats of trade protection and risk of automation which could undermine traditional growth models. India has tremendous potential and when you think of our report which is about global value chains, we can show how India has over-achieved in some ways and under-achieved in others. It is remedying those past choices and making the most of a tremendous potential that should occupy us more. When you are saying that India has under-achieved in certain aspects, and over- achieved in some, which are the areas we should focus on to get to the $5-trillion economy mark? In the report we talk about different transitions on the path to development and the first is from producing commodities -- whether it is cocoa or copper to more basic manufacturing, whether it is clothes or shirts and shoes and then onwards to more advanced manufacturing and services, and finally the more innovative cutting edge goods. India has made that first transition to basic manufacturing but did not fully exploit its potential and that is where the biggest kick to growth comes. We have estimated that as much as 1% higher participation leads to 1% higher growth and that is where the jobs are generated because those are the most labour-intensive industries -- be it apparel or leather goods. It has in some sense, made a precautious transition to more advanced manufacturing in areas like automotive parts or pharmaceuticals or sophisticated services and that has delivered growth but that has not delivered the same level of employment. It is in a way deepening its engagement in that first stage of basic manufacturing while consolidating its achievements in the advanced stage that I think is the main challenge. That is a very interesting point that you have raised. In India, we are talking about how very close to a recessionary trend with respect to our manufacturing sector growth we are. Is that something that the Indian government should squarely focus on now?The report speaks less about cyclical variations in country’s economies and more about longer term development prospects and there is no doubt that the manufacturing sector is craving for reform whether it is in land, labour, logistics or choice of trade policy. There is tremendous scope for reforms in all these dimensions as well as for international cooperation because that has dual benefit. On the one hand, it can spur domestic reforms and on the other hand, it can secure access to markets. The work is on all these dimensions to try and reform the domestic economy as well as to exploit the gains from international cooperation. There is no doubt that manufacturing would benefit from it. The report says that economic fundamentals drive a country’s participation in global value chains, but policies enhance participation. With India’s economic fundamentals now weakening and a big policy uncertainty coming in, is that a double whammy for India?I do not think India’s economic fundamentals are weakening, they are unexploited. You know the point of the report is that your participation in global value chains is determined by what you have, how much labour, what type of labour, how much capital, how much technology, where you are, how big you are and what kinds of institutions you have. We also argue that you do not need to be a prisoner of what you inherit, you can shape your destiny by sensible policy choices. For example, your location inadequacies can be remedied through policies that improve connectivity, liberalising transport, communication. Your markets size can be remedied by liberalising at home and giving your producer’s access to the best inputs. Do you think we have lost out the competitive edge that we could have had with respect to Bangladesh or Vietnam?I do not think we have lost out, but we risk losing out because a country like Bangladesh perhaps was blessed because there was no textile industry to protect. They imported cloth focussed on what they are really good at -- cutting and stitching -- and now account for 7% of the global markets for apparel. They have been able to reduce poverty from 44% to 10%. They have been able to employ women on a scale that is remarkable and that means better educated children, better nourished children and its development prospects have altered but Bangladesh is not the best story, Bangladesh is still stagnant. The Indian government in the last several years has undertaken a lot of reforms like GST, IBC. What should the next reform leg look like if we have to make the best use of the global value chains and ensure that we are among the top few countries?I agree India has taken remarkable steps to unify its own internal market as well as to improve the competitiveness of its economy. It is not for me to say what precisely India should do, but our report does suggest that policy matters but fundamentals matter profoundly and it is in that area that it is profoundly important that we remedy the distortions in the factor markets -- whether it is labour, land, capital or energy. These are the areas where I think India’s competitiveness will be ultimately moulded. That is a very interesting point but we have to talk about what is happening across the globe with respect to trade wars. That has become a real concern. How do you make the best use of the global value chains to attract investments in a protectionist environment?I agree that protectionism is a serious concern. Already it is not just hurting the participants in this trade conflict, it has negative spillovers and uncertainty inhibits investment, slowing down growth everywhere. The question is what is the best response to this? How do you navigate through it?We have been looking at the kind of pay offs to countries in a no trade war or a trade war scenario and one thing that is relevant and beneficial in all states of the world is deeper domestic reforms. To some extent, deeper integration agreements can help and they are in a way spurring both reforms at home and securing access to markets. But for a country like India to think of the trade conflict as somehow exogenously independent of its own actions is not right. India is in a position to take the lead in global trade negotiations to revive multilateralism. You are saying India should be able to take the lead in trade negotiations at a time when India walked out of the RCEP? The government has been defending its decision. Was that a wise choice that India made?I am not trying to avoid a difficult question, but I simply do not know enough about what was on the table in RCEP. Sometimes you walk away because there are costs that an agreement inflicts that you are not immediately able to take advantage of. Let me respond to the RCEP question precisely. One of the advantages of trade agreements is that they can help to lend credibility to reforms. You do not have to liberalise immediately. You can say that my industry is not prepared to deal with competition from China today, but I will eliminate barriers and that commitment in a way gives industry time to adjust. It also means that you are not a hostage in perpetuity to the weakness of your industry. So, that is the RCEP question. But if I can comeback before you ask this important question, I do think that India has always punched above its weight in international negotiations and it could do remarkable public service by also imaginatively shaping multilateral cooperation both by deepening traditional cooperation and not seeking refuge in special and differential treatment but also by leading the narrative and looking at cooperation beyond trade because taxation, competition policy, data flows and environment are all areas in which India has a big stake and which crave international cooperation and which has necessary in a way to reap the benefits from openness and trade. In your report you have also spoken about the need for a simplified tax regime and widen cooperation. In India, we are talking about how there is a need to not just simplify the GST but also perhaps give more money in the hands of people so that they are able to buy more. What more can the Indian government do to attract the global value chains? The steps India has taken through the GST to unify its domestic market encourages the emergence of deeper domestic value chains.. The corporate tax cuts perhaps make India a more attractive place for investment but the higher priority on the domestic front or the reforms enable India to more fully exploit its comparative advantage as a relatively well endowed country with less skilled workers but also carry out cutting edge work. In a way, deepening engagement in manufacturing and implementing further reform and services seem to me to be a priority. On taxation,India has again been at the cutting edge of thinking of new ways to deal with the difficulties created by taxing and global value chains, especially where the intangibles -- trade and services or intellectual property are concerned. In terms of destination based taxation it is as if the whole world had a value added tax and no corporate taxes. And everybody has been talking about it these days.Those are remarkable ideas, There are new interesting challenges but that is the kind of imaginative leadership India is capable of and that is what I would like to see it bring to the trade agenda.

from Economic Times

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