Union-busters help IT companies manage conflicts

BENGALURU: Google contractor HCL Technologies had enlisted management consultant Eric Vanetti of Vantage Point Alliance to “create awareness” among employees to cast their votes against unionisation. Vanetti’s Twitter bio read that he’s an expert in workforce solutions and union avoidance.In a show of strength leading up to employee’s vote in September, North America-based labour union — United Steelworkers (USW) — welcomed 80 tech workers employed by Google contractor HCL Technologies who voted in favour of unionisation that opened an opportunity to bargain over better wages and working conditions.In fact, USW had criticised HCL for allegedly coercing employees into mandatory meetings aimed at defeating workers’ campaign to organise a union. USW, in its press release in September, said Vanetti had gained notoriety in March 2018 for playing a role when Fuyao Glass defeated a union organising campaign at its facility in Moraine, Ohio, as documented in the film American Factory. 72972791 “We deserve more respect, dignity and democracy in our relationship with our employer,” said HCL worker Joshua Borden quoted in USW’s press release. “We fought for a seat at the table, and today we won. We look forward to bargaining a contract that reflects our important contributions to HCL’s continuing success.” An email sent to HCL on enlisting Vanetti and his role in addressing employee concerns remained unanswered till the time of going to press.The rise of union busters and anti-union consultants has grown over time that’s helping IT/technology companies manage conflicts, monitor campaigns and to defeat a workers’ campaign to form a union. A recent report by the US-Economic Policy Institute (EPI) said employers spend roughly $340 million annually on union avoidance consultants to help them stave off union elections. Over the past five years, employers such as Coca-Cola, UPS, AT&T, and Google have used union avoidance consultants, it said.The report’s authors — Celine McNicholas, Margaret Poydock and their colleagues — have analysed publicly available reports filed with the US Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS). “This work is well compensated — consultants often report being paid $350-plus hourly rates or $2,500-plus daily rates for their work defeating union organising efforts. The main goal of union avoidance consulting firms is to prevent a union election from taking place — and if that fails, to ensure that workers vote against the union,” the report said.The firm Sparta Solutions — a prominent player in the industry — urges employers to “let Sparta show you how not only to win your election, but also teach your staff advanced techniques for union avoidance to ensure your company never goes through a union election again.”Its analysis included all LM-20 forms filed between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2018.The report said these forms identify the employer worked for, the consultants working on the project, and the rate of pay and terms of consultant employment, but not the total amount received for the contract.

from Economic Times

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