Impact of Covid-19 will be felt more on SMEs: Sanjeev Prasad

What is the likely impact on global growth because of Covid-19 spreading?Now it is spreading to more countries and continents and it still doesn’t look like the spread of Covid-19 is going to slow down anytime soon, which means we could see an impact on the economies of several countries at the same time. This essentially means we could see a synchronised global impact in terms of economic activity and GDP growth. The problem is that people will be very fearful of doing normal activities such as going to malls, restaurants, taking flights, taking public transportation and travelling — activities which involve essentially assembly of people in one area or movement of people. The services sectors such as retailing, tourism and transportation will get impacted significantly. It also means that normal work, office activities and production may get impacted. That is the fear which is building in currently. It is very hard to put any numbers here, but the economic impact could persist for some time. Please keep in mind the fact that the impact will be felt more on the medium and small enterprises, which may not have the capacity to withstand a prolonged economic slowdown. You could potentially see a lot of defaults also from some of the smaller businesses. Things could remain bad for some time and even after that the economic recovery may be fairly gradual. Even though the stock market will respond to any decline in number of new cases and/or discovery of a vaccine against the virus or to the fact that the spread of Covid-19 is being contained, the economic impact will be felt for a longer period of time. If smaller businesses get disrupted, they take longer to recover because their balance sheets and cash flows are not robust enough to withstand a slowdown.The renewed bull run in the broad market has come to a halt. Mid as well as smallcap indices are now negative for the year. Is the bull run over in your view?Anyways, the mid-cap and small-cap companies were struggling because of the economic downturn in India despite the stocks having done well for the past two months. Investors are taking a risk-off stance currently and they would want to reduce exposure to risky assets, which means their appetite to hold equities is lower. Their appetite to hold riskier mid- and small-cap companies would be even lower under the circumstances. They would still want to own some of the large caps and better-quality names. I don’t think there is a large economic impact as such in India, but the impact is more on the market, which essentially reflects the market taking a risk-off approach given the heightened uncertainties.Do you see risks to your earnings estimates of Indian companies?Yes, definitely. The immediate and the most visible impact is on global commodity companies. Metal & mining and oil & gas companies will be hit the worst. In the case of metal and upstream oil companies, their earnings will get cut significantly. Downstream oil & gas companies will also see an impact, but it is more a function of margins in their case. Refining margins have been low even before the Covid-19 issue. Marketing companies have seen a sharp increase in marketing margins because of decline in oil prices; they have not yet cut the retail prices of diesel and petrol, and their marketing margins have expanded sharply. Auto sales will be down in this kind of an environment and they have been quite weak anyway. The other form of impact to earnings could be through disruption to supply chains and this would depend on what types of supply chains get disrupted and for what period of time. If the situation is contained over the next one month, then most Indian companies should be fine despite the fact that they have a lot of dependence on raw materials and components coming from China, particularly auto, agrichemical and pharmaceutical companies. Beyond April, if there is still disruption in supply chain, then clearly they will get impacted because they won’t have the components to make the finished products. Similarly, consumer durable companies will also get impacted. Compressors for products like refrigerators and air conditioners come from China. The other option was to import from South Korea, but that country is also seeing a serious outbreak of Covid-19.How aggressively do you expect central banks to step in?A stimulus is possible in China. I assume the Chinese government will have to intervene in some shape and form, but the stimulus would be more directed towards the services sector rather than the infrastructure sector unlike in the previous stimulus packages. Global central banks will probably announce even more accommodative monetary policies. Bond yields have anyway collapsed and they are signalling that the central banks need to cut interest rates. I would assume that generally central banks would be cutting rates to stimulate their economies.Which asset classes should one look at in the event of this risk off?These are knee-jerk reactions. It depends on what time frame you have. In the next six months, assuming it continues, equities will be a poorly performing asset class. But I assume at some point valuations will start looking reasonably attractive. It is better to stick to cash and gold for now in terms of new investments but one cannot change portfolios so quickly. Equity valuations in India will become attractive over the next few weeks if the market was to correct another 5-10% from current levels. The valuations of large parts of the market are quite reasonable anyway.

from Economic Times

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