SBI's rescue plan for YES by Monday, here's what it looks like

State Bank of India is all set to pick up 49% in private lender Yes Bank for an initial investment of Rs 2450 crore, it’s chairman Rajnish Kumar said on Saturday. Kumar added that the bank was in talks with several investors and its investment in the bank could go up to substantially depending on the interest.“Currently, there are 255 crore shares of YES Bank and as per the draft scheme, SBI can take up to 49% stake. Today, if SBI goes solo and picks up 49% stake, then the immediate investment requirement is Rs 2450 crore,” Kumar explained.Kumar further explained presuming that if the bank required Rs 20,000 crore immediately and it manages to get other investors, then the bank would hold 26 percent in Yes with an investment of Rs 5000 crore. As per RBIs draft scheme the state-owned lender is required to hold 26 percent in Yes Bank for atleast three years.“Many potential investors have approached us after seeing the scheme, there are some very good names,” said Kumar. “What we have to keep in mind for the co-investors is a couple of things, any investor looking to invest beyond 5 percent will have to meet RBIs fit and proper criteria, if they are foreign investors they have to meet the FPI guidelines.”The Reserve Bank of India has come up with a restructuring plan to give a new life to Yes Bank that would entail equity investment by the State Bank of India, but that would keep these entities separate leaving scope for the state-run lender to exit the investment when it turns profitable.The restructuring plan entails the appointment of a new CEO and board with two SBI-nominated directors apart from RBI representatives. They will take over from Prashant Kumar, former SBI chief financial officer, who was appointed as administrator on Thursday by the RBI.State Bank of India’s investment and legal team is currently conducting a due diligence on the draft reconstruction scheme prepared by the RBI, amd will revert to the RBI on March 9 with its comments. Kumar also said that the bank is working towards getting the resolution plan approved and implemented much before the RBI deadline. He also added stake purchase will not impact the lender’s capital adequacy ratios and would be done without any funding help from the government.The central bank on Thursday imposed a moratorium on Yes Bank that capped deposit withhdrawals at Rs. 50,000 per person. It relaxed the limit for emergencies like medical needs, payment for higher education, or marriage expenses. That is set at Rs. 5 lakh. Kumar assuaged deposit holder worries and said that there monies were safe.“ Depositors money is not going to be affected it is safe, the government has also assured the same,” he said. “My nephew also has his salary account in Yes Bank he was the first one to call me yesterday, I assured him the same.”

from Economic Times

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