'Courts will see through all stands taken by family’

Days after the holding company of over 120-year-old Murugappa Group, Ambadi Investments Ltd (AIL) rejected a proposal of accommodating Valli Arunachalam, she said that she will continue to fight the decision. In an email interaction, Arunachalam said from the US that, it is very unfortunate that AIL’s current board is not able to understand what contributions women can make on the board. Valli Arunachalam, daughter of the former patriarch of the group late MV Murugappan told ET, she is pretty confident that the Indian courts will see through all these hyper-technical stands being taken by the family, wherein despite being a promoter shareholder of the company, she was denied a position on the board whereas every other family branch of Murugappa is represented.Q: Now that the other shareholders of the AIL have rejected the proposal of your appointment on the board of the AIL. What would be the next course of action for you?Ans: The shareholders of AIL, who are mostly members of the Murugappa family, have rejected by appointment. The family has not just failed to provide due representation to a significant shareholder of the company, but their decision is evidently discriminatory and gender-biased. It is very unfortunate that AIL’s current board is not able to understand what contributions women can make on the board. With the same shareholding, my father was on the board. Had there been a male heir, this wouldn’t have been the case. I am definitely more qualified than some of the past and present directors, who are incidentally all-male family members.Having strung us along for 2 years without any material progress, the family implored us to wait until Monday’s AGM when a formal decision on my candidacy would be rendered. Never mind the fact that the board is essentially dominated by the family, who all live in the same city and interact frequently, and thus could render a decision on my candidacy at any time. Predictably and in keeping with the Murugappa family’s long history of male chauvinism, they rejected my candidacy.I will continue to fight, and the decision taken by the family will not deter our efforts to seek justice and gender equality.Q: Are you still in talks with the other family members for settling this issue, without any judicial intervention?Ans. Post the decision taken in respect of my directorship, I have not contacted any member of the extended family to discuss the issues. It came as a shocker to us, given we were asked to wait and apply at the AGM and the family is clearly in the majority. Had they not wanted to vote me in, they could have very well asked me not to apply and informed me 9 months ago that they wished to settle the issue.It was always our wish that the family issues remain within and are settled at the family level and we have made consistent efforts over the past two years to arrive at a consensus with the family, including asking for mediation. Sadly, the family has at no point reciprocated our interest in an amicable settlement. Instead, the family is more concerned about protecting its hopelessly outdated perspectives and practices, even if it means forcing us to take the battle to courts. We will not shy away this time. Q: What are options available with you as a shareholder of AIL who is representing MV Murugappan HUF? Ans: We will take the next steps as advised by our advisors in this regard. We are considering our a range of options at this stageQ: Are you planning to take any legal steps, if yes can you tell us about that? Or, alternatively, do you think there is still a room for the discussion and amicable settlement? Ans: We have been asking for discussions and an amicable resolution for over two years to the family, but they have not reciprocated. There have been public statements and assurances to settle from which they have backtracked on. My appointment to the Board would have been a first step to seek an amicable resolution, but we will wait for any communication from the family if they wish to discuss or attempt to resolve this amicably. Till now we have not even been told, why they did not vote in my favour, so I do not have a lot of expectations. You will be aware of the legal measures as and when we take them.The reality of the situation we offered numerous means, including neutral third-party mediation, by which this matter could have been settled amicably, out of court and out of the media glare. Sadly, all our proposals were summarily rejected by the family.The family’s complete failure to act in a constructive manner to date leads me to believe that they are primarily concerned with continuing to exercise control over the assets of my late father’s estate rather than allowing us an exit or the same degree of control and visibility that they enjoy. My family has been rendered helpless outsiders by virtue of my father having only female heirs.Q: Do you think this marks the fact that the entire Murugappa Group is against your family block in the AIL?Ans: Absolutely. The family has been completely apathetic and largely unresponsive to the multiple requests and proposals that have been made by us over the past few years after my father’s demise. It is as if they have shunned us not only from the family but also from the family businesses, which we are rightfully entitled to. Their voting en-masse against my appointment is yet further evidence of the fact that the majority of shareholders are acting in concert and this was pre-planned. Had they wanted, they could have very well been civil about it, but to keep us in flux for more than a year and then not voting in favour clearly evinces their devious thought process. It is not our mistake that I do not have a brother and we are two daughters. If they think, we will bow down to such measures, let me confirm that I will fight till the end, to prevent this grave injustice not just for my family, but for all families with daughtersQ: According to you what went wrong? why was there an impression that they were considering appointing you on the board?Ans: I think the family would be best suited to answer this question.The only impression that the family has given to us in the past is that of contradictory stands. I firmly believe that nothing has gone wrong from our end and we have only ever made earnest and persistent efforts towards securing our rights, pursuing justice, and contributing to the family business in the best manner possible.Logically, people felt that based on all the other families having board seats, my late father himself having a seat, and the size of our holdings being similar to those of other board members, that a directorship for me was a forgone conclusion. Sadly, it appears that logic and fairness do not factor into the family’s calculus. The only thing I can see is that they do not want women to be included in the business owing to their regressive mindset related to gender equality.Q: Do you think they now have a valid reason to say that the majority of shareholders have rejected your bid democratically and so it can stand the scrutiny of the courts?Ans: I think the answer was always ‘no’ for the reasons stated above. You will have to understand that the family owns the majority of shareholding in AIL. The businesses of the Murugappa Group for several generations have been historically owned and controlled by close-knit male members of the Murugappa family. AIL, on account of being the principal investment company of the members of the Murugappa Family, has traditionally had representatives from each branch of the Murugappa Family on its board of directors, who are largely responsible for rejecting our request today.The fact remains that this is a concerted act of all male members deviously scheming to prevent female heirs from joining the business empire and having equal footing... It also means that our HUF will continue to have no visibility in the business even though we are significant minority shareholders. All other parties with similar holdings enjoy incredible visibility into investments which make up material portions of their net worth.The reality is that there are numerous paths the family could have taken to bring about an amicable resolution over the past two years. They choose to ignore all of these paths instead forging headfirst into a confrontation.I am pretty confident that the Indian courts will see through all these hyper-technical stands being taken by the family, wherein at the end of the day it is a HUF with a woman as a Karta who has not been allowed to exercise any rights despite being a promoter shareholder of the company, whereas every other family branch of Murugappa is represented therein.

from Economic Times

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