Economy in transitory phase, expect more upheavals: SBI

With all these efforts which are being put in, I hope we will get to see a better March 21 as compared to what we see now, says Dinesh Kumar Khara, MD, SBI. By Navika Kumar and Nikunj DalmiaHow do you view the economy? Has horrible become good or horrible has become bad? Though economic activity has picked up, corporates are not borrowing, banks are not lending. Where are we headed?In terms of the numbers, perhaps what you are saying is absolutely correct but there are certain sectors in the economy where we get to see some positive traction. The way things have emerged in terms of the health and hygiene issues, it has led to a situation where there was a fear psychosis in the mind of everybody and also a buzz where people started conserving cash. But in some of the sectors -- like FMCG, steel which have demand-led growth opportunities -- we are seeing very good traction. Likewise even in the auto sector, small cars are something which is on the upside as far as demand is concerned. Now people are willing to come out and contribute to the economic activity, but at the same time, they have got some fear psychosis in terms of health and hygiene. It is a situation which is improving on the go. In certain pockets, there is definitely an opportunity for growth and we are also dispensing credit. When we look at credit in general, the growth is somewhere around 7% but if we start slicing it further, we see that when it comes to consumer credit, it is actually on the growth cycle. When it comes to personal loans, when it comes to car loans and auto loans, all are on the upside. But when it comes to corporate credit, there is a tendency to deleverage. This is because a)they are in a bit of uncertainty. They are not yet into the investment cycle. But there is some kind of a traction when it comes to certain sectors like the road sector where we have seen an improvement. One thing is very clear, people are looking for the right signals or some bit of positivity and once it is seen, they are going all out to support the economic activity. That is how I read the situation. You spoke about a few green shoots, you spoke about a few sectors where loans were picking up and consumption activity was picking up. When we first talked about the lockdown, we felt that people being laid off or migrants going back to their villages or their towns was a temporary phenomenon. But there are long term displacements, the work from home, layoffs and salary cuts. As a banker, how do you see the unemployment figures?I think it is a transitory phase. In the past also, at various stages, we have witnessed a transitory phase when we have seen businesses realign themselves to the new realities. When the pandemic kicked in, people had not visualised how they would be in a position to carry out their business continuity plans (BCPs). They had to reinvent their BCPs almost on the go. In about six months from then, it has come to a situation where the new realities in terms of working from home etc. have come in, leading to a situation where there could be challenges in lease rentals. We observe some bit of consolidation is happening. When it comes to the lease rentals for offices, we have also witnessed that high quality buildings are not facing any challenge whereas the ones which were not of as good a quality, are facing some challenges. What is happening is that new cost norms are emerging and the fact is social distancing will require even more space in the office and that is also a reality. These are the examples with which I am trying to support my argument. We never thought that small cars will be much in demand but when there is a challenge for public utilities and problems of maintaining safe distance, there is much demand for small cars on the anvil. These are the new realities which are getting unfolded and so long as it is a transitory phase, we may witness more upheavals. But once we have a certainty in terms of how the economy is going to look like and how the businesses will operate, we will have more certainty and there will be more responses to those realities and which will help the economy to recover.27% of public consumption is down and investments are down 50%. These two alone used to add 88% to India’s GDP. By March ‘21, as far as GDP numbers are concerned, are we going to stick to the current projection of 7% being shaved off or are you looking at a more negative performance?Towards the end of this financial year, when things start improving, they will improve at a very fast pace. It is not likely to be a normal secular trend which has been witnessed in the past. In the recent past, as soon as the unlock period started, a positive traction could be seen from July onwards. So, if the unlock continues like this and we are in a position to address the health and hygiene issues more effectively in terms of living with the pandemic, there is a possibility that we may get to see better performance as compared to what is being seen now. This is because the most important component here is the confidence of the consumers and that is a function of how people are in a position to navigate this particular problem relating to corona. If at all, we can live with the situation and we can lead if not a normal, at least near normal life. Things will actually look up and apart from that, the money which is being spent by the government through various infrastructure projects in the first quarter itself is a very clear reflection that the government apparatus when it comes to spending for the development projects, is really supporting the economy at this point of time. That is the way forward and with that, demand will come in and when we get to see the demand, some kind of private investments will also come in. So RBI is keeping the liquidity in a fairly easy position and that is something which is ensuring that all these instruments which are there should remain liquid and there should not be any setback to the economy. With all these efforts which are being put in, I hope we will get to see a better March 21 as compared to what we see now. Big companies are becoming bigger and medium companies are becoming smaller and MSMEs and SMEs are finding it difficult to survive. Some may not revive ever. The pandemic has created a divide which is going to hit us indirectly very badly because it will have an impact on demand, credit, and also employment? As far as my reading goes, there is going to be a consolidation not only in terms of phase but more in terms of something irrespective of the size. If at all a unit is efficient, it will probably become bigger and stronger and there will be sufficient support coming forward also. But having said that, there is a reality that we recognise the entrepreneurship and that is one of the reasons why the SME funding which has been envisaged through the GCL kind of a concept wherein the government is giving the guarantee to financiers and is ensuring that there is no unduly strain on the capital of the banks. At the same time, it supports the entrepreneurship on ground and that is something which is likely to be the future and will lead to the creation of SMEs also and support the SMEs at this point of time when they really need the support because all said and done, SMEs are one of the major sectors offering employment to a lot many people. It is going to be the reality going forward but as the ecosystem is encouraging competitiveness, it will lead to a situation where all these SMEs will get competitive and that will lead to a very healthy entrepreneurship in the economy. Opposition parties have charged that the government has still cleared the GST dues of states. Former finance minister Mr P Chidambaram has called mishandling of the economy as the single biggest reason why we are facing the current challenges in the economy? What is your view? The government is fully engaged with all the state governments and there is a concerted effort on the part of the government to figure out a solution which is in the ultimate interest of all the state governments. I would say that the various options are being explored and some are workable too. There is a very clear effort on the part of the government to ensure that there is an amicable resolution of the problem in hand. What is your number?The way situations are evolving, we will have to wait and watch but it will certainly be better than what we have seen in the last quarter. That is not a number sir.We will have to wait and watch. The situation is evolving and so ascribing any number may be very difficult at this point of time for March end. But it will certainly be better than what we are today.

from Economic Times

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