Which are the commodities worth betting on and why

Despite the ongoing correction in gold, the rally continues in other commodities. Experts say this trend of industrial commodities outperforming gold is here to stay for some time. ET Wealth tells you which are the commodities worth betting on and why.The most actively traded commodities on the MCX 81721592Gold: Losing a little of its shine 81721601Silver: Holding its own against gold 81721623Crude Oil: Not scarce any more 81721630Natural Gas: Subdued times ahead 81721638Copper: Expected to give good returns 81721648Nickel: Good times for industrial metals 81721655Zinc: Supply outstrips demand 81721664Aluminium: Will ride rally in industrial metals 81721677Lead: Supply glut dampens prospects 81721689Cotton: More demand than supply 81721703**in million US dollars; Source: ETF.Com; data as of 16 MarLot size is for gold mini; *Price as on 16 Mar#Based on average of all series; Source: MCXMargin requirements: Margins are split into initial margin, additional margin, special margin and extreme loss margin. These vary from series to series depending on volatility of the series. Since taking delivery is difficult for commodities other than gold and silver, these are traded only in the futures market.

from Economic Times

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