Can we expect an auto rally from here?

In real estate, it is better to wait and watch. But in a cyclical up move, the real estate players do well, says market expert Ajay Bagga. On the disconnect between the macros and the marketsWait and watch is all I would say. The good news is that numbers are coming down in terms of the reported infections. So 4,20,000, 4,30,000 odd seems to have been the peak for the second wave, and the numbers are coming down. If you look at IIT Kanpur and other models, we could be looking at below 50,000 per day kind of infection numbers maybe one more month from now. That was factored in Monday’s market. But we are still quite a bit away from the February highs for quite a few stocks. On Monday, banks and NBFCs, which account for 37-38% of the market, led the rally today and I would say wait and watch. The correlation with the economy definitely is very weak for the markets. What is today driving the markets is the lower number which seems to be now an established trend so we should be okay in terms of the numbers going down. We will have to wait and watch. On Dr Reddy’s, Sputnik V updates and Cipla’s earningsDr Reddy’s overall US numbers were mildly below par but clearly the market is factoring that in. In most of April we saw a very sharp runup in Dr Reddy’s, the driver being Sputnik and the other driver being value accretion from the DRDO Covid drug which Dr Reddy’s will be co-producing. Cipla has run up over the last one year not much in terms of taking this higher from here. If you have to choose between the two, I would say Dr Reddy’s has more drivers right now. Q4 earnings and Fed comment on inflation spikeI will take the Chinese numbers first and then come down to India because that is the biggest manufacturing hub. Their WPI came in at about 5.4%. Their manufactured products inflation came at 5.8% while the raw material hike was 15.8%. That shows that manufacturers were absorbing quite a bit of the hike in raw materials and in the commodity complex because of not being able to pass on the price hikes. Asian Paints for example, came out with blockbuster numbers and they were very clear that they were able to pass on the raw material hikes to the end consumers. But on the economy level, we have to recalculate the CPI in a different mode but it is not very comparable. Our manufacturing inflation would be in the range of 5.5-6% while the WPI has come at 10.9 which we normally recalculate. Why did the market get spooked by the US inflation numbers? The US inflation is just 2% while the cost of houses have gone up 17%. The number that we use internally was coming at 8% for the US. In India, the raw material costs impact about 50% of Nifty earnings and as we go down, it may impact even more. In FMCG, the raw material cost is about 57%. In consumer durables like autom raw materials are a fairly significant part and they have been increasing. We have seen a commodity super cycle setting in which will stay for quite some time. Maruti has taken three price hikes already but now demand itself is constrained and there will be dealer losses and inventory losses. Overall quarter four has been okay but the guidance is not that great and quarter one will suffer. But the market is looking at quarter three, quarter four so we are not seeing that kind of correction, we are seeing resilience in the market because the market is factoring in that once vaccinations get some traction in August, September and the festival season kicks in what kind of demand will there be and that is the kind of valuations are we getting. Valuations are not cheap, especially one year forward we are about 12% higher than historical average numbers. But that is a function of last year’s underperformance and this year’s expected outperformance. On which sectors to recover fast and which would take a little longer to recover Well, there is this report by the Hoteliers Association where they said they have lost 75% revenues over FY2021 vis-à-vis 2020, nearly Rs 1.32 trillion revenues having gone off and that will be impacted. In case of retail, we saw a few retailers at the top end doing well but the large portion of the unlisted retailers are going to stay down and many might go out of business. All that will have second order effects. Last year, people dipped into their savings and managed somehow. This year the pain is much stronger in the unlisted segments. In the listed markets, we are okay because it is always the survival of the fittest and there will be those two or three leaders in each segment but it will move from defensives more into the cyclicals. I would not be surprised if we saw an auto rally from here. It has underperformed a lot. There will be very horrible numbers for May and probably most of June as well. We do not see very strong reopening happening at least till mid June if not end June. So we will have pretty bad numbers from autos but that will compress demand and then it will come back like last year. The difference is that inflation has come in. The manufacturers who can take the hikes, have raised prices and that is why the market is rewarding them. I expect auto companies will be forced to take hikes given the kind of increases in raw material prices. Mostly, it is the unlisted players who will find it difficult. The listed players have been able to take out money. Aviation for example is a write off, they will make Rs 20,000 crores of losses on an industry wide basis in FY21. But they have been raising funds and in the end, it is an infrastructure and people will look at it one year hence. I do not expect much of a package, it did not come last year for aviation. I am not expecting this year either. It will be survival of the fittest and the two, three private players will survive and move on. On real estate stocksIn real estate, stick with quality players who have good cash on the books. They will continue to do well. We have seen strong deleveraging by some of the major players that has helped with the piggy money coming in and the absorption of warehousing assets, absorption of other assets that has been a good trend. But overall, the commercial office space will stay oversupplied for quite some time. Existing spaces will be questioned by managements in terms of whether one really needs that many people in and how soon they will be able to open up offices. I do not see our vaccination programme enabling that before December. So January is what you are looking at. So will managements really be spending on office spaces? I do not think so. Rather they would look at renegotiating all their existing contracts. Retail is suffering amd so the mall businesses will take time though last year we saw that the recovery was good and they have again suffered a lot with rentals not being paid or being on revenue sharing basis. Residential real estate had started picking up but we are still somewhere like 2013-2014 numbers, we have not really seen a full gross level recovery. Real demand, which is the secular demand as in the US where people are looking at houses with one extra room, the suburbanisation or de-urbanisation moves are not possible in India right now. So, we will have to wait and watch to see that. But in a cyclical up move, the real estate players will do well. So among the six-seven listed entities, look at strong cash flow cases and go by the cash flows and you should be able to make good money there. But overall, office space, hotels as well as retail will take time to recover.

from Economic Times

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